#dollar as

Collection of dollar as news, found 1.997 news.

Price of aviation fuel down 5.23 percent

The price of aviation fuel at Jakartas Soekarno-Hatta airport will decline by 5.23 percent in terms of the US dollar, ...

Deposit interest tax cut may strengthen rupiah: Darmin

Chief economic minister Darmin Nasution said the government hoped exporters would keep their foreign exchange income ...

Jakarta index 3.9 percent weaker in a week

The Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) was 3.9 percent weaker in a week in the period of Sept 21 to 25 on market players ...

Government, House agree to revise down growth target in 2016

The government and the House of Representatives (DPR) have agreed to revise several assumptions set in the draft 2016 ...

Government to revise down growth target to 5.3 percent

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro has proposed to the House of Representatives (DPR) a revision of the economic ...

BI`s key rate policy meets expectation: Economist

Bank Indonesias (BIs) decision to maintain its benchmark rate at 7.5 percent with a deposit facility interest of 5.5 ...

KADIN forecasts five percent economic growth for Indonesia

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) has forecast an economic growth rate of around five percent ...

Indonesia, China start using direct yuan, rupiah transactions - (d)

Indonesia and China would continue to push for direct transaction between the national currencies of the two nations ...

Synergy among associations paramount to boosting economic growth

Synergy among associations plays an important role to counter the slowdown in economic growth, Chairman of the ...

Economic policy package will not improve economy instantly: VP

The newly-issued economic policy package will not improve the national economy instantly and the country will have to ...

Indonesia trying to boost exports to Chinese market

Indonesias Trade Ministry is making every effort to boost exports to the Chinese market, an official said. "We are ...

US allocated US$500 mln for energy, forest preservation in Indonesia

The United States plans to implement a $500 million program in Indonesia that will help catalyze investment in ...

PAN offers government policy to lift Indonesia out of crisis

The Central Executive Board of the National Mandate Party (PAN) offers a mid way political economic policy to the ...

Rupiah regains some of its loss in value

The national currency rupiah regained some of its loss in value against the US dollar closing at 14,246 per dollar ...

President urges banks to strengthen rupiah

President Joko Widodo, who is well known as Jokowi, has urged banks to strengthen the Rupiah by encouraging their ...