
Collection of dpd news, found 804 news.

155 ballot boxes in Central Kalimantan suffer damage

Some 155 ballot boxes suffered light to heavy damage after the hall at the Mantangai Subdistrict office in Kapuas ...

Cash requests soared in Riau during election BI

There was a surge in the demand for cash before voting day of the simultaneous elections in 2019, and the day after in ...

Prabowo, ulemas hold discourse on election-linked issues

Great Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) Party Secretary General Ahmad Muzani confirmed a meeting held between presidential ...

No more simultaneous elections: Commission

The 2019 simultaneous election with ballots for five electoral groups will not be held again because it is ineffective ...

Jokowi condoles deaths of over 90 election officers

Calling them “democracy’s heroes”, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has expressed his deepest ...

News Focus

Indonesia holds most complex legislative and presidential elections

Indonesia held the world's biggest and most complex single-day vote on April 17, 2019, where 192 million people ...

KPPS heads die of overwork after logging long hours

Bengkalis General Election Office (KPU) Head Fadihilah Al Mausuly confirmed the deaths of two heads of the Riau polling ...

House Speaker calls for revoting to be devoid of violations

House Speaker Bambang Soesatyo has made an appeal to the General Election Commission (KPU), local KPUs (KPUD), and the ...

Academician calls to improve management of simultaneous elections

Lecturer at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Jenderal Sudirman University Purwokerto Ahmad Sabiq called ...

Jokowi-Ma'ruf comes through with flying colors in Ampui Pangkalpinang

Ma'ruf Amin a lead over Prabowo-Uno. "Presidential candidate number 01 garnered 999 votes, while number 02 ...

Indonesia's simultaneous elections considered exhausting

The process to elect the president, vice president, legislators and senators organized simultaneously across Indonesia ...

Jokowi wins at four polling stations for mentally challenged voters

Ma'ruf Amin pair won in four polling stations set up for mentally challenged voters at Bina Larar Harapan Sentosa 2 ...

News Focus

Ensuring a peaceful, smooth and safe electoral process on April 17

Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelagic nation with some 17 thousand islands, has been holding relatively ...

Different political preferences do not trigger conflicts: VP

Vice President Jusuf Kalla said political preferences among voters during the parliamentary and presidential elections, ...

SBY to cast ballot in Singapore

General Chairman of the Democrat Party, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), and his wife Ani Yudhoyono will cast their ...