
Collection of drinking news, found 731 news.

News Feature

Plastic waste thrives amid coffee shops' euphoria

For some people, drinking coffee occupies an important part of the day and with their numbers increasing, the growing ...

Stunting affects quality of human resources: minister

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy, has said that the prevalence of stunting ...

PMN for 12 SOEs seen supporting post-pandemic recovery

The government and the House of Representatives (DPR) have decided to provide Rp72.44-trillion in State Equity ...

News Focus

Encouraging Islamic boarding schools' economic independence

The Batanghari Ummul Masakin Islamic Boarding School, Jambi is among the schools that have benefitted from the economic ...

Understanding 10 lifestyle mistakes that may trigger fatigue

Tiredness is experienced by all, with a research in the US included in the "Journal of Pediatrics and Child ...

Surabaya Calling Movement garners support from stakeholders

The Surabaya Chamber of Commerce and Industry and several other stakeholders from the public offered aid for the ...

Govt to boost social protection budget by Rp33 trillion

The Indonesian government is preparing to increase the social protection budget under the national economic recovery ...

Work-at-home mandated for 75 percent workers in red zones: minister

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto restricted the number of people working from office to ...

Police question wardens over poisoning of inmates at Bali prison

Police are questioning wardens and inmates of a women’s correctional facility in Bali province following a mass ...

Bali police probe 21 inmates poisoned after drinking disinfectant

The police are investigating the case of 21 inmates hospitalized after allegedly drinking disinfectant coalesced with ...

Shihe: dialogue with the world in "tea language"

On June 9, diplomats and reporters from many countries embarked on a journey of "Discovering the Most Beautiful Tea ...

IDI calls to postpone face-to-face learning amid pandemic

The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) of Makassar City has pressed to give careful consideration to conducting ...

COVID-19 increases risk of death in comorbid children: Study

COVID-19 infection increases the risk of death in children who have comorbidities, according to a study conducted by ...

Follow health protocols, boost immunity against new COVID-19 variants

To protect ourselves from new variants of COVID-19, we need to consistently adhere to health protocols, strengthen our ...

North Maluku police seize 1,152 bottles filled with local liquor

The North Maluku police seized 1,152 plastic bottles filled with local liquor of "Cap Tikus" (Rodent Brand) ...