
Collection of drought news, found 785 news.

Govt prepares Rp6 tln for basic infrastructures

The Public Works Ministry is preparing at least Rp6 trillion in funds to build various basic infrastructure facilities ...

Flood forces thousands to evacuate in S Kalimantan

Thousands of people fled their homes as flood swept part of Hulu Sungai Selatan district in South Kalimantan on ...

Blue Peace: New Solution for Averting Water Wars in the Nile Basin

-     With the spectre of war looming over Egypt and Ethiopia due to discord on the Nile River ...

Zuma says Mandela "comfortable", talking football

South African President Jacob Zuma paid Nelson Mandela a visit Sunday and found the anti-apartheid icon "comfortable ...

RI plays central role in climate change adaptation and mitigation

Indonesia endowed with a vast area of forested land and sea plays a central role in global climate change adaptation ...

Artificial rains being considered to put out forest fires

Forest fires have hit several provinces in Indonesia over the past few months and produced haze that has had an effect ...

100 mln to die by 2030 if world fails to act on climate

More than 100 million people will die and global economic growth will be cut by 3.2 percent of gross domestic product ...

Poverty gripped district of Lebak hit by harvest failure

The poverty gripped district of Lebak in Banten is in for worse problem with harvest failure hitting extensive areas ...

Severe drought takes victims in Pekalongan

Long drought began to leave its mark with 1,800 people of the regency of Pekalongan, Central Java, hit by acute ...

Indonesian legislator urges govt to build more reservoirs

Deputy chairman of Commission IV of the House of Representatives (DPR) Herman Khaeron has called on the government to ...

Indonesia govt making efforts to overcome drought impact

It is currently estimated that the drought, which has hit nine provinces in Indonesia, will affect at least 127,000 ...

Govt developing programmes to tackle drought

The government has planned to develop and implement programmes in order to minimise the impact of drought on the ...

BI predicts August monthly inflation at 0.7-0.8 pct

Bank Indonesia Governor Darmin Nasution predicted monthly inflation in August would be between 0.7 and 0.8 percent due ...

Drought begins to severly affect farmers, food crops

The ongoing drought in Indonesia has begun to affect food crops in various parts of the country, as farmers continue ...

Indonesian govt guarantees food stocks, prices during Idul Fitr holidays

The government will guarantee the availability of food stocks, as well as ensure their prices remain reasonable during ...