#drug cases

Collection of drug cases news, found 150 news.

Police lauded for intercepting 200-kg meth trade in Banjarmasin

Banjarmasin Mayor Ibnu Sina commended the National Police for thwarting the attempt of two drug dealers to trade 200 ...

South Kalimantan police bust major meth haul, arrest two people

The joint team of South Kalimantan Police's Narcotics Investigation Directorate and Indonesian Police's Red and ...

Nusakambangan prison has sufficient vacant cells for drug offenders

The Indonesian Legal and Human Rights Ministry hinted its support for transferring convicted drug dealers and producers ...

Jakarta police thwart attempt to transport 131-kg crystal meth

The South Jakarta Metropolitan Police officers confiscated 131 kilograms (kg) of crystal methamphetamine found aboard a ...

Jakarta police uncovered 2,849 drug cases during Jan-early Aug 2020

During the Jan-Aug 2020 period, the Jakarta Metropolitan Police uncovered 2,849 drug cases; apprehended 3,586 suspects; ...

South Sumatran police destroy 576.36-gram crystal meth

South Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Eko Indra Heri S led the move to destroy 576.36 grams of crystal ...

Researcher calls to acknowledge, laud police's successful war on drugs

The National Police's Red and White Special Task Force personnel are duly entitled to receive rewards to commend ...

West Nusa Tenggara police instructed to uncover prison drug trade

West Nusa Tenggara Police Chief Inspector General Mohammad Iqbal instructed his personnel to endeavor ceaselessly to ...

Police seize 71 kg drugs from trucks carrying food supplies

Indonesia's national police thwarted a local drug syndicate's attempt to smuggle 71 kilograms of drugs from ...

News Focus

Indonesia continues war against drugs amid COVID-19 battle

Indonesia is currently battling two fronts: the spread of the novel coronavirus disease and the trafficking of drugs, ...

Central Jakarta Police seize 11-kg crystal meth, 30,000 ecstasy pills

The Central Jakarta police made a significant drug seizure comprising 11 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 30 ...

Indonesian police destroy 341.6 kg of crystal meth

The Indonesian police destroyed 341.6 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 51 kilograms of marijuana in the yard of ...

Drug dealer in Jakarta orders cocaine through social media platforms

Female movie star Nanie Darham was arrested in Jakarta, Feb 2, for allegedly trading cocaine, with police investigators ...

Police apprehend three drug suspects in North Maluku

The Police in North Halmahera District, North Maluku Province, took three people into arrest on charges of trafficking ...

Ambon prison's 30 percent inmates involved in drug-related offenses

The Maluku Provincial Legislative Assembly (DPRD) was concerned over the fact that the Ambon class 1 correctional ...