#drug convicts

Collection of drug convicts news, found 154 news.

President confirms rejecting Australia`s prisoner-swap offer

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has confirmed he will not accept Australias prisoner-swap offer. "Nothing like ...

Indonesians in UK donate 20 kilograms of coins to Australia

A group of Indonesians residing in London donated 20 kilograms of coins packed in a luggage to the Australian High ...

Executions of Drug Offenders Affect Indonesia, Brazil Ties

The Brazilian government had withdrawn its ambassador to Indonesia after its citizen, Marco Archer Cardoso Mareira, ...

Indonesia intensifies rehabilitation program for drug addicts

Being in a state of drug emergency, the Indonesian government has carried out the heaviest punishment, notably death ...

French death row convict`s family apologizes to Indonesia

The wife of a French drug convict on death row in Indonesia, Sabine Atlaoui, has apologized to the Indonesian ...

Report of death sentence disturbing: French ambassador

French Ambassador Corinne Breuze said the death sentence and a threat of execution of a Frenchman in Indonesia has ...

Australian journalist held for allegedly violating immigration law

Australian journalist Candace Sutton of Daily Mail was held for allegedly violating immigration law while covering ...

Indonesia perceives Brazil as friendly country despite Rousseff`s statement: spokesman

Indonesia will always consider Brazil as a friendly country despite President Rousseffs statement that the trade ...

Death penalty is in line with indonesian law by

The death penalty is applied in compliance with Indonesian law and does not conflict with human rights guaranteed ...

Preparation for executing death row prisoners almost complete

Attorney General HM Prasetyo said here Wednesday that preparations for executing ten prisoners on death row are 90 ...

Indonesia in a state of drug emergency: minister

Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa has reiterated that Indonesia is currently in a state of drug ...

Indonesian legislator backs "Coin for Abbott" campaign

Deputy Head of Commission II of the House of Representatives Lukman Edy extended his support to the "Coin for ...

Brazil`s action unusual diplomatic behavior: President

President Joko Widodo said Brazilian President Dilma Rousseffs act of rejecting the credentials of the countrys ...

Pro-Indonesia coalition holds "Coin for Australia" at car free day

Pro-Indonesia Coalition organized a "Coin for Australia" movement during a car-free day at Hotel Indonesia roundabout ...

Execution of foreign drug convicts will affect ties temporarily

The execution of drug convicts given the death penalty in Indonesia is a matter of law enforcement, similar to the ...