#drug couriers

Collection of drug couriers news, found 92 news.

Jakarta police uncovered 2,849 drug cases during Jan-early Aug 2020

During the Jan-Aug 2020 period, the Jakarta Metropolitan Police uncovered 2,849 drug cases; apprehended 3,586 suspects; ...

Jakarta Police arrest 4 suspected drug couriers

The South Jakarta Police have arrested four suspected couriers linked to a Sumatra-Java drug syndicate, and seized 161 ...

Bengkalis police seize 14,585 kg of crystal meth

The Bengkalis Police arrested three illicit drug couriers and seized 15 packets of crystal methamphetamine weighing ...

Police seize 159 kg of drugs, likely smuggled from China

Indonesia’s National Police and the Customs and Excise Directorate General of the Finance Ministry have seized ...

West Nusa Tenggara police instructed to uncover prison drug trade

West Nusa Tenggara Police Chief Inspector General Mohammad Iqbal instructed his personnel to endeavor ceaselessly to ...

East Aceh police destroy 45 kilograms of confiscated crystal meth

The East Aceh police, on Monday, destroyed 45 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine seized from five members of a ...

Bintan District Court hands death sentence to three drug smugglers

The Tanjungpinang District Court, Monday, awarded death sentence to Syahrul bin Tue, Zaihiddir alias Kam bin Ajis, and ...

Two drug couriers in South Sumatra sentenced to death

The Palembang District Court on Thursday awarded the death penalty to two drug couriers and sentenced one more person ...

Three drug couriers nabbed in Jambi get 17 years jail

The Jambi District Court on Thursday sentenced three drug couriers — nabbed with about 231 kilograms of dried ...

Police thwart attempt to sell 11 kg of crystal meth

The West Jakarta Metropolitan Police's anti-drug squad thwarted an attempt by six drug dealers to trade crystal ...

Indonesian police thwart attempt to smuggle 70 kg crystal meth

The National Police’s Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) foiled an attempt of two drug couriers to ...

Bali drug dealer recruits four teenagers as couriers

A drug dealer in the Indonesian resort island of Bali recruited four teenagers to work as his couriers, Denpasar Police ...

Mataram city police uncover drug in prison

Mataram City police in West Nusa Tenggara uncovered a drug in prison after two suspects, with the initials RA and AB, ...

Four people in Sulawesi under arrest for bringing meth from Malaysia

The Provincial Anti-Narcotics Agency (BNNP) of South Sulawesi arrested three women as housewives along with one man who ...

East Java's BNN confiscates 4.1 kg of crystal meth

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN), East Java Office, has confiscated 4.1 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, also ...