#early warning

Collection of early warning news, found 590 news.

TNI to increase its forces around natuna waters

The Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) will deploy additional forces around the Natuna waters as a preemptive ...

Merpati plane fails to land in Maumere

A Merpati Nusantara Air Service plane failed to land at Frans Seda Airport in Maumere, returning instead to El Tari ...

Myanmar Must Stop Escalation of Violence Against Rohingya: Activist

The Myanmar government must stop the escalation of violence against the Rohingya minority because it is dangerous and ...

SANS Institute and ETDA-ThaiCERT Collaborate to Build Thailand's National Cybersecurity Competency

- The US-based SANS Institute, the most trusted and largest source for computer security training, certification and ...

Building Malaysia's Cyber Security Defense Foundations

- Since 2012, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in collaboration with the SANS Institute ...

ASEAN lauds Indonesian`s efforts to fight forest fires

ASEAN environment ministers have praised Indonesia for its quick act to combat land and forest fires that caused air ...

BNPB to install tsunami early warning sirens in Bengkulu

The Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) is to install six tsunami early warning sirens in six districts of Bengkulu, an ...

Africa hopes for Indonesian assistance through WTO

African countries hope that Indonesia will exert its influence on the ministerial meeting of the World Trade ...

Africa Union celebrates freedom on its golden anniversary

The Africa Union (AU) will commemorate its golden anniversary on May 25 through a theme of celebrating the freedom, ...

Natural Disasters in Indonesia Not Over Yet

Over the last few months, various regions in Indonesia have been hit by natural disasters such as floods, landslides, ...

Disaster mitigation agency strengthens command posts

The Jakarta Provincial Disaster Mitigation Board (BPBD) is strengthening a number of command posts and early warning ...

Jakarta flood due to northeast monsoon winds

Weather Radar Assessment and Application of Technology Agency (BPPT) has stated that the flooding in and around ...

Japan to boost military budget amid China row

Japan will increase military spending in 2013 for the first time in more than a decade, the ruling party said Tuesday, ...

Indonesia did not have major natural disasters in 2012

Indonesia, a country which is prone to natural disasters - floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, droughts, tsunamis ...

Frequency of whirlwinds increasing in Indonesia

The number of whirlwinds that hit Indonesia last year was 28 times higher than that of the year 2002 due to the impact ...