
Collection of earth news, found 1.328 news.

Some 10 thousand visitors throng Taman Ismail Marzuki Art Center

Some 10 thousand visitors flocked the Planetarium and Observatory located at the Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) Art ...

Dutch astronaut observes total solar eclipse in Central Sulawesi

Dutch astronaut Andre Kuipers observed the rare natural phenomenon of the total solar eclipse (TSE) at Kotapulu ...

President observes solar eclipse at Bogor Palace

Indonesian President Joko Widodo watched the solar eclipse at the Bogor Palace on Wednesday morning. President ...

Kalla optimistic of new discoveries during total solar eclipse

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla has expressed hope that some scientific discoveries would be made following the total ...

Vice President Kalla Watches Total Solar Eclipse in Sigi, S Sulawesi

Vice President M Jusuf Kalla accompanied by his wife, Mufidah, several ministers, and the Central Sulawesi governor, ...

Over 3,000 tourists expected in C. Sulawesi for TSE

More than three thousand tourists from many different countries have confirmed their visit Central Sulawesi province ...

OIC expected to strengthen concensus on freeing Palestine from IS

Nearly 50 member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will gather in Jakarta for the March 6-7, ...

Total solar eclipse momentum to boost Indonesia`s tourism industry

Indonesia is the starting point and the best spot to watch a total solar eclipse (TSE) that will occur on the morning ...

Total solar eclipse momentum to boost Indonesia`s tourism industry

Indonesia is the starting point and the best spot to watch a total solar eclipse (TSE) that will occur on the morning ...

As sea levels rise, economic damage piles up even faster: Study

As sea levels rise, threatening cities from New York to Shanghai, the economic damage will increase even faster, ...

"Mercy and Justice" international short film festival opens

- Istanbul's Cekmekoy Municipality has launched a mercy and justice-themed international short film contest. Its ...

Total solar eclipse to last longer in Central Sulawesi

The much awaited interesting natural phenomenon of total solar eclipse, forecast to occur on March 9, 2016, is ...

Indonesia regrets North Korean launch of long range rocket

The Indonesian government has expressed regret over the North Korean launch of long-range rocket which may create ...

Special authority required to manage Lake Toba as world-class destination

Lake Toba located in North Sumatra Province is not just an ordinary lake but is the largest volcanic lake on Earth. ...

Research, technology, and education should embrace future trends: VP Kalla

Research, technology, and education in Indonesia should take into account future trends, according to Vice President ...