
Collection of earth news, found 1.328 news.

India successfully puts 3 satellites into orbit

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) on Wednesday successfully put into orbit three satellites using its trusted ...

Students to promote mangrove preservation through concert

Diponegoro University (UNDIP) students grouped in a mangrove forest preservation community called KeSEMat are to ...

Scientists want climate change early-warning system

A better monitoring network for greenhouses gases is needed to warn of significant changes and to keep countries that ...

Indonesia`s agarwood potential to increase

From the tropical rain forests in Sumatra and Kalimantan to Papua and the pastures of Nusa Tenggara, land in ...

Indonesia`s mangroves need proper management

Mangrove forests - a common natural feature of tropical and subtropical coastlines - are among the most biologically ...

Indonesians now have easier access to geographically referenced information B

The increasing consumers demand for geographically referenced information, known as geospatial information, will bring ...

President offers joint use of peace, security center

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has offered ASEAN member countries the joint use of the facilities of the Peace ...

NASA`s WISE satellite spots "horseshoe" asteroid

NASA`s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) has discovered a rare asteroid that traces out a horseshoe shape ...

Geospatial info law of great practical benefit to people: Legislator

The existence of a Geospatial Information Law in Indonesia will make it much easier for people to access all kinds of ...

House passes geospatial information bill into law

The House of Representatives (DPR) in its plenary session on Tuesday agreed to pass the Geospatial Information (GI) ...

Nasa`s messenger makes first orbital photo of Mercury

NASA`s Messenger spacecraft, the first ever to enter the orbit of Mercury, has fetched its first photo, the project`s ...

Maluku not suitable for PLTN

The geographical location of Maluku province at the meeting of the Pacific, Australian and Euroasian continental ...

110-million-year-old dinosaur skeleton discovered in South Tunisia

The nearly intact skeleton fossil of a dinosaur believed to have lived about 110 million years ago was recently ...

Japan detects radioactivity 30 km off coast

Japanese scientists have found measurable concentrations of radioactive iodine-131 and caesium-137 in seawater samples ...

West Java to observe earth hour

The "Earth Hour" campaign by turning off electricity for an hour on March 26, 2011 throughout West Java, will save a ...