#east java provincial government

Collection of east java provincial government news, found 99 news.

East Java optimistic of eradicating extreme poverty in 5 districts: VP

The East Java provincial government is optimistic that it will be able to bring down the rate of extreme poverty in ...

East Java prepares two ships to expedite vaccinations on islands

The East Java Provincial Government has prepared two ships that will be used to provide health services and expedite ...

E Java receives 26,000 KF94 masks from South Korea

The East Java provincial government has received 26 thousand KF94 masks from the Gyeongnam provincial government ...

First COVID-19 vaccine dose administered to 1.7 mln Surabaya residents

Some 1.7 million residents of Surabaya have received their first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine, thereby indicating 77 ...

Malang city holds vaccination drive for 30,000 residents

The government of Malang city, East Java, in collaboration with the Fleet Command (Koarmada) II, on Saturday launched a ...

East Java's MSMEs should appeal to domestic, global consumer: Minister

State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Minister Erick Thohir is keen that the products of East Java's micro, small, and ...

Ministry of SOEs urges Indonesians to buy local MSME's products

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) has urged Indonesians to buy and consume products of the local micro, ...

Ministry targets to inoculate 300,000 MSME players

The Cooperatives and SMEs Ministry has said it is seeking to vaccinate 300 thousand MSME players in East Java as part ...

VP calls on regional heads to boost COVID-19 budget absorption

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin urged all governors, district heads, and mayors to rev up absorption of the budget for ...

East Java governor extends apology if COVID-19 handling unsatisfactory

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa has apologized to the local people if handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in ...

E Java Forkopimda sends out ambulances for door-to-door vaccinations

East Java's Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) dispatched dozens of ambulances for carrying out ...

East Java eyes Asia Pasific, Africa to expand halal markets

East Java Province has eyed Muslim-majority countries in Asia Pacific and Africa to expand its halal food export as ...

East Java govt extends support to Unair for vaccine development

The East Java provincial government has said it will support the development of Airlangga University's Red and ...

Second phase of COVID-19 vaccination to be completed in June

Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, said his ministry is targeting to complete the second phase of the COVID-19 ...

PUPR ministry completes revitalization of two traditional markets

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has completed the revitalization of Legi Market in Ponorogo ...