#ecstasy pills

Collection of ecstasy pills news, found 302 news.

Indonesia's BNN destroys 1.3 tons cannabis, 86.95 kg crystal meth

Indonesia's National Narcotics Agency (BNN) destroyed 1.3 tons of marijuana, 86.95 kilograms of crystal ...

Police thwart attempt to sell 11 kg of crystal meth

The West Jakarta Metropolitan Police's anti-drug squad thwarted an attempt by six drug dealers to trade crystal ...

Aceh still main gateway for drug smuggling: police

Aceh remains one of the main entry points used by drug dealers to smuggle narcotics illegally into Indonesia, according ...

Aceh police destroy 1.2 tons of marijuana seized during operations

The Aceh Police destroyed 1.2 tons of cannabis, 41.98 kilograms crystal methamphetamine, 2,644 ecstasy pills, and 1,041 ...

South Kalimantan police praised for busting drug ring

South Kalimantan Governor Sahbirin Noor promised to reward members of the provincial police's narcotics division ...

Jambi BNN arrests four, confiscates 4.9-kg meth, 1,400 ecstasy pills

The Jambi Narcotics Agency (BNN) took four suspected drug traffickers into arrest and seized 4.9 kilograms of crystal ...

Malaysian citizen detained for drug possesion while crossing border

A joint Indonesian military and police team detained a Malaysian citizen identified by his initial as MF for drug ...

80 percent of marijuana in Papua smuggled from PNG: BNN

Indonesia's National Narcotics Agency (BNN) reported on Friday that 80 percent of the marijuana sold in Papua ...

Andi Novalita fails drug test: police

A Jakarta Metropolitan Police's spokesman confirmed that FTV Actress and adult magazine model Andi Novalita, alias ...

Indonesian police destroy 341.6 kg of crystal meth

The Indonesian police destroyed 341.6 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 51 kilograms of marijuana in the yard of ...

Bandung houses produce millions of carisoprodol-containing pills: BNN

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) exposed the reality on Monday that four houses in Bandung City, West Java, raided ...

BNN names five suspects in Bandung drug factory case

The National Anti-Narcotics Agency (BNN) has named five suspects in a case of a raid on an illicit drug factory in ...

Indonesia's narcotics agency seizes two million pills in West Java

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) investigators seized some two million pills, suspected to be illicit drugs, from ...

Police destroys 1.3 tons marijuana, hundreds of kilograms of narcotics

The Jakarta Police conducted activities to eradicate evidence of narcotics confiscated during various operations by the ...

BNN seizes 60,000 ecstasy pills, 10-kg meth smuggled from Malaysia

The Indonesian National Narcotics Agency (BNN) and Dumai Customs Office jointly thwarted the circulation of 60 thousand ...