#electric power

Collection of electric power news, found 216 news.

Flood-related death toll reaches 21

Thailand`s Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department on Friday reported a cumulative total of 21 flood-related ...

Thailand to send 2 generators to Japan

Thailand`s main electricity producer has agreed to send two electrical generators to Japan to ease the power shortage ...

Maluku not suitable for PLTN

The geographical location of Maluku province at the meeting of the Pacific, Australian and Euroasian continental ...

Radioactive iodine 1,150 times limit in Japan Sea

The operator of Japan`s Fukushima nuclear plant has detected radioactive iodine 1,150 times the legal limit in water ...

Radioactivity in water at Fukushima`s No 2 reactor 10 million times above normal

Levels of radioactive iodine in water at reactor No. 2 of Japan`s quake-hit Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant are 10 ...

Power fungtions restored at control room of Fukushima 2nd reactor

Japanese engineers restored on Saturday the electricity supply at the control room of the second reactor of Japan`s ...

Earthquake Update: NTT Com Services Gradually Restored

-     NTT Communications (NTT Com) announced on March 22 that it is steadily restoring ...

Tokyo electric resumes rolling blackouts after 3-day suspension

Tokyo Electric Power Co. resumed its rolling blackouts Tuesday after a three-day suspension during Japan`s long ...

RI, Japan to establish metropolitan priority area in greater Jakarta

The Indonesian government and Japanese government are to establish a Metropolitan Priority Area (MPA) for Investment ...

Reactor fire at quake-hit Japan plant under control: govt

A fire which broke out early Wednesday at a quake-hit Japanese nuclear power plant is under control, the government ...

Radiation 400 times normal level at Onagawa nuke plant : Tohoku Electric

Tohoku Electric Power Co. said Sunday that radiation rose to 21 micro sievert, around 400 times higher than the normal ...

Japan govt warns of electricity shortage

The shutdown of several nuclear reactors after a massive earthquake struck Japan Friday may lead to a shortfall in ...

6th reactor at Fukushima nuke plant loses cooling functions: TEPOC

A sixth reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plants has lost its ability to cool the reactor core since the massive ...

6th reactor at Fukushima nuke plant loses cooling functions: TEPOC

- A sixth reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plants has lost its ability to cool the reactor core since the massive ...

6.2-magnitude earthquake hits off Japan`s Honshu

An earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale on Sunday jolted near the east coast of Honshu, Japan, at 7:24 a.m., ...