
Collection of embankment news, found 113 news.

Jakarta Bay reclamation project being implemented in two stages

The Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs has explained that the Jakarta Bay reclamation project is being ...

Jakarta reclamation project would continue whoever is the governor : Expert

Jakartas reclamation project could not be politically stopped by whoever is the next governor of Jakarta, an expert ...

Indonesia condemns attack in London

The Indonesian government has condemned the attacks in the capital city of England, London, on Wednesday local time. ...

A tale of S Kalimantan`s enviromental movement

Greening is a movement in the hands of Forum Komunitas Hijaus (Green Community Forum/FKH) founders. They have ...

EARTH WIRE -- Efforts underway to restore Lake Limboto in Gorontalo

The central government is giving special attention to Gorontalo, currently the third conservation province in ...

Jakarta to follow Netherlands` example in overcoming flood problems

Jakarta will follow the example of the Netherlands in overcoming flood problems, governor Basuki Tjahaha Purnama said ...

Jakarta claims to be ready to handle floods

The Jakarta authorities have claimed to be ready to handle the floods that are forecast to occur during the peak of ...

Floods inundate 16 districts and cities across Indonesia

Floods have inundated thousands of houses in 16 districts and cities across Indonesia over the past few days, stated ...

President Jokowi reminds farmers of target for rice self sufficiency

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reminded Indonesian farmers on Friday of the target in three years to achieve rice self ...

Bengawan Solo`s embankments in critical condition: Official

A number of embankments along the Bengawan Solo River at the downstream of Bojonegoro, Tuban, and Gresik in East Java ...

Jakarta Great Sea Wall to have serious waste impact: Walhi

The Indonesian Forum for Environment (Walhi) has argued that the Jakarta Great Sea Wall (JGSW) will hold wastes from ...

One shot dead during trouble makers-joint forces shoot out in Papua

A member of the trouble maker group "Jhon Beanal" was shot dead during a shootout by the joint forces of Indonesian ...

Residents fortify damaged Bengawan Solo dike in Bojonegoro

Hundreds of residents have been working to fortify a part of a dike in Kanor Village, Kanor Subdistrict, Bojonegoro, ...

Giant Sea Wall believed to prevent flooding

The construction of the Giant Sea Wall mega project in North Jakarta is expected to prevent tidal flooding, which ...

Jokowi to accelerate giant sea wall construction

Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, has said he wants to accelerate the construction of the Giant ...