#emergency status

Collection of emergency status news, found 261 news.

Satellites detect 365 hotspots across Sumatra

The Terra and Aqua satellites of NASA have detected a total of 365 hotspots across Sumatra Island on Wednesday ...

Number of hotspots in Sumatra significantly up, now 159

The number of hotspots across Sumatra Island has increased significantly to 159, from 92 the previous day. Of ...

Most drugs smuggled into Indonesia come from China

Most drugs smuggled into Indonesia came from China, according to the spokesman of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), ...

Preventing migrant workers from becoming drug couriers

Last year, the South China Morning Post had reported that Hong Kongs triad was targeting Indonesian migrant workers to ...

Five provinces declare alert emergency status

Five governors have declared an emergency alert status in anticipation of land and forest fires in their provinces, ...

Galela Airport remains closed due to Mt Dukono`s ash

Galela Airport in North Maluku Province has remained closed due to volcanic ash emitted by Mt Dukono located in North ...

23 hotspots detected on Sumatra Island

As many as 23 hotspots, with 50 percent indicating forest and plantation fires, were detected in five provinces across ...

Flood emergency status declared in Manokwari district

The Manokwari disaster mitigation office (BPBD) has declared a flood emergency status for the district following flash ...

Indonesian security forces intensify manhunt for Santoso-led group

Shortly after Joko Widodo became Indonesias seventh president in October 2014, Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo ...

BNPT will focus on handling of terrorism in Poso

The National Counter-terrorism Agency (BNPT) will focus on handling terrorism in Poso, Central Sulawesi. "I will ...

Floods Leave Two Dead, Three Missing in Bandung, West Java

Floods have left two dead and three others missing in Bandung District, West Java Province, as Citarum River ...

Social Minister to visit flood victims in Kampar, Riau

Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa is to visit flood victims in Kualu village, Tambang sub-district, ...

Poso in Central Sulawesi not to become military emergency zone

Chief of Indonesian Military Commander, General TNI Gatot Nurmantyo, stated here on Friday that he would not impose a ...

President visits forest fire-hit Central Kalimantan, postpones North Sumatra visit

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has decided to visit Central Kalimantan province, which is among the worst hit by ...

Indonesian military deploys over one thousand soldiers to extinguish fires

The Indonesian Military (TNI) has deployed 1,250 soldiers to extinguish forest fires in Riau Province after President ...