
Collection of expenditures news, found 385 news.

Pertamina`s $500 mln bond issue oversubscribed 10 times

State oil and gas company PT Pertamina said its US$500 million bond issue was oversubscribed ten times suggesting ...

RI in no hurry to build nuclear power plant

The leaking of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant following the powerful earthquake in Japan last March 2011 ...

Experts advise against building nuke power plants in RI

A number of experts at a seminar on the welfare and safety aspects of nuclear power plants have advised against ...

RI govt projects 2012 budget deficit at 1.4%

The government has projected the deficit in the 2012 state budget at 1.4 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) ...

Govt to pay medical bills of caterpillar-affected people

Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih said the government would bear the medical expenditures of villagers who ...

Finance minister hails central bank`s new policy

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo hailed Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank)`s step to ban buyers of its ...

Soes` role in economic development increasing

State-owned enterprises (SOEs), as one of the country`s economic pillars beside private companies and cooperatives, ...

State enterprises capital expenditures to be pushed to Rp390 trillion

State Enterprises Minister Mustafa Abubakar said he was ready to push state-owned companies (BUMNs) to increase their ...

Nat`l leaders must concentrate on their jobs : Observer

National leaders must not do anything that can adversely affect their performance and just concentrate on their jobs ...

Forestry ministry earmarking Rp2.5 trillion for priority programs

The Forestry Ministry is earmarking Rp 2.5 trillion of its 2011 proposed project budget of Rp6.0 trillion for priority ...