
Collection of fingerprint news, found 72 news.

Aqara announces fully-automatic smart door lock D100 Zigbee

Aqara, a leading provider for smart home products, expanded its smart door lock portfolio by releasing a new ...

Aqara introduces Smart Door Lock A100 Zigbee with Apple Home Key Support

Aqara, a leading provider for smart home products, announced the launch of its Smart Door Lock A100 Zigbee. The A100 ...

Police HQ dispatches team to help investigate Parigi Moutong incident

The National Police Headquarters has deployed a team to assist the Central Sulawesi Police in investigating the death ...

Ministry forms five teams to handle Tangerang prison fire case

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights has formed five teams to assist in handling the fire outbreak case at the Class 1 ...

BNI updates digital service ecosystem information on Harpelnas

State-owned lender Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, or BNI, updated information on the digital service ecosystem on ...

BPPT focuses on development of eight priority sectors

The Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) will channel all attention to eight priority sectors ...

National Police DVI Team receives 188 body bags from ill-fated SJ 182

The Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Team of the National Police's Health and Medical Center have received 188 ...

Hytera multi-mode advanced radios deliver intelligent technology solutions for PMR industry

- The PMR industry has undergone tremendous changes in recent years. As the advent of broadband technology offers fast ...

Bandung Immigration to offer visa extension for China's nationals

The Bandung Immigration Office, West Java, has prepared special visa extension for the area’s Chinese nationals ...

Alleged Pakistani drug lord's body not yet handed over to his family

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police is still waiting to hand over the body of an alleged Pakistani drug lord, identified by ...

Gojek to cooperate in Medan bombing attack probe

Indonesian ride-hailing operator Gojek pledged to cooperate with the police in probing a bomb attack on the Medan city ...

Bandung police HQ security tightened following Medan attack

The security at the Bandung city police headquarters was stepped up following a bombing attack on the city police ...

Jakarta Police intensify security measures after Medan bombing

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police has stepped up security and surveillance near its entrance gates in the aftermath of a ...

Police search conducted at suspected suicide bomber's house in Medan

The police searched the house of the perpetrator of a suspected suicide bombing that took place at the Medan City ...

Police probe identity of alleged suicide bomber in Medan

The National Police's Counterterrorism Squad Densus 88 continues to direct efforts to identify the perpetrator ...