#fish eating campaign

Collection of fish eating campaign news, found 6 news.

Governor pushes to increase fish consumption to prevent stunting

Governor of West Sumatra Mahyeldi called on the public to boost fish consumption as a means to create a new, smart ...

Eating fish for health, and to improve intelligence

Eat Fish for Building Intelligence, Health, and Strength. There was a time when the former fisheries product ...

Thousands of residents join fish eating campaign in Surabaya

Thousands of residents joined the community activity of eating fish together during the Kenjeran Festival held at the ...

Yogyakarta to launch salt water fish eating campaign

The Department of Industry, Trade and Agricultural Cooperatives in Yogyakarta will soon launch fish eating campaigns, ...

People advised to eat more fish

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has advised the people to consume more fish instead of other types ...

Fishery Day observed with spirit to eat more fish

The Indonesian people today, November 21, observed the Second Anniversary of their National Fishery Day (Harkannas) ...