#fishing vessels

Collection of fishing vessels news, found 273 news.

Indonesia sinks 66 foreign vessels

The Indonesian authorities, on Thursday, simultaneously sank 66 foreign vessels seized for conducting illegal fishing ...

Indonesia`s negative investment list most restrictive: BKPM

Indonesias Negative Investment List (DNI) is the most restrictive regulation in the ASEAN system, Head of the Capital ...

Liberalization of DNI hinted to lure in more investors

The new head of the Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Thomas Lembong said the Investment Negative List ...

Fishermen from northern Java to be relocated to Natuna

The government is planning to build houses on Natuna Islands, Riau Islands Province, for the fishermen from Javas ...

Global awareness on dangers of illegal fishing has increased: Minister

The world has become increasingly aware of the dangers of illegal fishing, and Indonesia has also implemented several ...

Coastal community crucial for protecting nation`s sovereignty

In an archipelagic nation, with thousands of islands scattered across the ocean, the presence of the coastal ...

Indonesian think tank welcomes negotiation on South China Sea issue

Indonesia should welcome Chinas decision to hold negotiations to resolve the South China Sea issue, Vice Chairman of ...

Susi speaks on indonesian fishing policy at FAO

Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti said the policy adopted by the Indonesian government has ...

Ramli insists ministers have authority to cancel reclamation project

Certain ministers have the authority to cancel the reclamation project that has violated the existing regulations, ...

Indonesia adopting persuasive approach encourages hostage takers: Military

The Indonesian Defense Forces (TNIs) Commander, General Gatoto Nurmantyo, said Indonesia adopted an approach that was ...

Government cancels G Island reclamation project

The government officially cancels the G island reclamation project in the Jakarta bay saying development of the ...

Indonesian government asked to keep intensive communications on South China Sea

Deputy chairman of the Commission I of the House of Parliament Hanafi Rais asks the government to maintain intensive ...

President Jokowi wants priority for Natuna economic development

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wants to give priority for the Natuna islands in economic development especially in ...

Indonesian ship monitors Indonesia-Australia border

Indonesian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources ship KM Orca 04 has monitored the countrys waters bordering ...

Indonesia wants other nations to honor its EEZ

Indonesia wants other countries to honor its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and will treat ships conducting illegal ...