#flash floods

Collection of flash floods news, found 501 news.

Floods inundate 1,500 houses in Binjai, North Sumatra

Floods, reaching heights of up to two meters, inundated some 1.5 thousand houses in the South and East Binjai ...

Overflowing Bengawan Solo river inundates villages

The Bengawan Solo River overflowed and inundated several villages located along the banks of the river. Some 301 ...

Overflowing Bengawan Solo river inundates villages

The Bengawan Solo River overflowed and inundated several villages located along the banks of the river. Some 301 ...

Incessant rains flood Jakarta

Incessant rainfall since Sunday has left the city of Jakarta flooded, the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) ...

Floods hit Dompu, Bima in West Nusa Tenggara

Floods have submerged thousands of houses in Dompu and Bima districts of West Nusa Tenggara Province. The ...

Social affairs ministry monitoring Jakarta floods

The Social Affairs Ministry has been monitoring the flood situation that has affected Jakarta after the Ciliwung River ...

Overflowing Bekasi River inundates residential areas

The residential areas located along the banks of Bekasi River were inundated as it overflowed its banks on Wednesday ...

Flash flooding forces 487 East Jakartans to seek temporary shelter

The flash floods from Bogor, West Java, have forced 487 inhabitants of Kampung Pulo and Bidara Cina to evacuate to ...

Flash flood hits Pasaman, kills one

A flash flood triggered by incessant rain struck Koto Kaciak Village in Pasaman District, West Sumatera Province, ...

Over 4.5 thousand hectares of rice fields inundated in Banggai

Some 4,530 hectares of rice fields were inundated in West Toili Subdistrict, Banggai District, Central Sulawesi, on ...

Flash floods, landslides hit Malang

Flash floods triggered by incessant rains have hit Malang, causing landslides and cutting off road access between ...

Thousands of flood evacuees in Kudus return home

Thousands of flood evacuees in Central Javas Kudus district returned home as the floodwaters began to recede.The ...

Floods affect 1,270 families in Tangerang

A total of 1,270 families have been affected by floods that have inundated the four housing complexes in Tangerang ...

Flash floods sweep away seven houses in Kudus, C. Java

Flash floods have swept away seven houses and seriously damaged four others as the Gelis River overflowed in Kota ...

Damaged roads after floods hamper food distribution

The recent flash floods in a number of areas in Indonesia particularly in Jakarta that damaged several roads have ...