#flood water

Collection of flood water news, found 84 news.

Flooding kills hundreds of people in Indonesia in 2012

The Indonesian environmentalist organization (Walhi) expressed concern with the many people falling victims to ...

Bekasi to build four reservoirs to cope with flooding

The Bekasi city administration in West Java said it will build four reservoirs to cope with the city flooding this ...

Krakatau Steel extends aid to lebak flood victims

State steel maker PT Krakatau Steel has extended relief aid to victims of floods and landslides in Lebak district, ...

Jakarta-Merak toll road reopened

The Jakarta-Merak toll road at the Km 57-59 was reopened for traffic on Friday after it has been closed since ...

Flood inundating thousand houses in S Sumatra for week

The flood that has inundated thousand houses in Banyuasin district, South Sumatra, since a week ago has not yet ...

Bengawan Solo river overflows

Bengawan Solo River overflowed its banks inundating tens of houses in Solo city and Karanganyar district, Central ...

Flooding inundated 800 houses in Pesisir Selatan

Flooding hit Pesisir Selatan district, West Sumatra, inundating 800 houses following rains on Saturday and Sunday.No ...

Thousands of houses in C Kalimantan flooded

More than 8,870 houses in a number of subdistricts in Central Kalimantan have been flooded for four days due to the ...

Over 100 houses flooded in Cianjur

A flood inundated at least 100 houses in Cianjur district, West Java, on Sunday, forcing tens of families to evacuate ...

Flash flood destroys 40 houses in N Sumatra

A flash flood destroyed at least 40 houses at Garongan village in South Tapanuli district, North Sumatra, on Monday ...

Thailand provides aid for Myanmar`s flood relief effort

Thai Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul on behalf of the Thai government, presented financial assistance of 2 ...

Flood paralyzes traffic in Cirebon

A flood triggered by four hours of heavy rains paralyzed traffic in West Java`s northern coastal city of Cirebon on ...

High tide of Kapuas still inundating residential areas

High tide of Kapuas river in Pontianak still inundate some low lands, residential areas and protocol roads on Monday, ...

Flood inundates 932 houses in W Sumatra

Flood has been inundating 932 houses in Sasak sub-district, West Sumatra, in the past few days, forcing some 800 ...

Flood inundates tens of houses

Tens of houses and hundreds of hectares of paddy field in West Aceh district were flooded on Sunday following ...