A total of 9,374 residents have evacuated to higher grounds since floods swept through a number of areas in Jakarta on ...
The Jakarta-Merak toll road at the Km 57-59 was reopened for traffic on Friday after it has been closed since ...
Floods and landslides triggered by incessant heavy rains over the past few days have killed three residents of Lebak ...
Flood has inundated the Jakarta-Merak toll road at a height of up to one meter following the overflowing of Ciujung ...
The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) said businesses had calculated their production cost which ...
Floods hit nine sub-districts in Lebak district, Banten province, on Wednesday as a number of rivers overflowed ...
The flood that has inundated thousand houses in Banyuasin district, South Sumatra, since a week ago has not yet ...
Bengawan Solo River overflowed its banks inundating tens of houses in Solo city and Karanganyar district, Central ...
Floods that have hit some parts of Indonesia since November 2012, are currently expanding in a number of provinces ...
Floods triggered by heavy rainfall inundated at least 1,077 houses in Merangin regency, Jambi province, during the ...
Floods have hit four districts in North Sumatra, killing two people and one person is missing, said a spokesman of the ...
Floods hit four districts in North Sumatra Province, killing two people and one went missing, a spokesman of the ...
The New Year Eve celebrations this year year would be marked by car-free night in many parts in the country. ...
At least three housing complexes located along the coast of the Bekasi River have been inundated (on December 24). ...
More than 8,870 houses in a number of subdistricts in Central Kalimantan have been flooded for four days due to the ...