#food assistance

Collection of food assistance news, found 361 news.

Government readies additional stimulus for workers to boost economy

Chief Executive of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery Erick Thohir highlighted that the ...

Sulawesi's Family Hope Program recipients express gratitude to Jokowi

Recipients of the government's Family Hope Program (PKH) in Palopo, South Sulawesi Province, were thankful to ...

North Luwu, South Sulawesi flooding kills 24, renders 69 missing

Flash floods that struck parts of North Luwu District, South Sulawesi Province, claimed 24 lives and rendered 69 others ...

Social Ministry's budget reaches Rp104 trillion during pandemic

The budget of the Ministry of Social Affairs reached Rp104 trillion during the COVID-19 pandemic, rising from the ...

At the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting, the Minister of Social Affairs described 4 key steps to overcome the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the poor and vulnerable groups

- In the presence of the ASEAN Minister, Social Minister Juliari P. Batubara conveyed the government's important steps ...

Govt to offer assistance to COVID-19-impacted citizens until December

Social Affairs Minister Juliari Peter Batubara revealed that the government will distribute social assistance to those ...

Social safety net program should list 3.8 million farmers, fishermen

Some 3.8 million farmers and fishermen should be listed in the social safety net program, according to President Joko ...

President stresses on swift synchronization of aid recipient data

President Joko Widodo urged ministries to promptly synchronize data on recipients of the central government’s ...

President inspects disbursal of staple food assistance in Johar Baru

President Joko Widodo inspected the distribution of third phase of the food aid to beneficiary families in Johar Baru, ...

Jokowi candid about all beneficiaries yet to receive social assistance

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) acknowledged that the social assistance to alleviate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic ...

President Joko Widodo highlights shallot, sugar prices still high

President Joko Widodo is persistently endeavoring to find a solution to bring down the prices of shallots and sugar ...

Bogor applied stringent health protocol during BLT disbursal: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) highlighted that the health protocol was diligently followed during the distribution of ...

KKP Ministry continually offers stimulus to fish farmers amid pandemic

The government, through the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) ministry, continues to provide stimulus to aquaculture ...

Greater Jakarta to receive staple food aid on April 20

The government’s social assistance, in the form of staple food, will be distributed to vulnerable residents ...

BI increases policy instruments to expand cashless transactions

Head of Bank Indonesia’s Bali branch Trisno Nugroho stated that the central bank had streamlined various ...