#food market

Collection of food market news, found 37 news.

19th Yiwu Fair Successfully Concluded with Transaction Volume Exceeding 16 Billion CNY

- The five-day 19th Yiwu Fair was concluded at the Yiwu International Expo Center on October 25th. According to ...

Department of International Trade Promotion, TAT and Bangkok Bank to Launch the World First-Time Event

-     Department of International Trade Promotion, Tourism Authority of Thailand, Bangkok Bank ...

ASEAN must uphold food sovereignty

The issues of food security and sovereignty have for many years been a rallying call of many grassroots ...

Chile has Increased Shipments of Food and Beverages to Asia by 50% Over the Past Four Years

-         From 2006 to 2010, Chilean shipments of food and beverages to Asia ...

Police kill 4 after blasts, attacks in China`s west

Police shot dead four "rioters" in China`s far west on Sunday after at least three people, including a policeman, were ...

Tikrit twin bombings kill 12, wound 28: Iraq medic

A twin attack involving a car bomb and a suicide bombing in the north Iraq city of Tikrit killed 12 people near a bank ...

Indonesia expects G20 meeting to press food speculators

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo has expressed hope the upcoming G-20 meeting in Paris will be able to put pressure ...