
Collection of forecast news, found 1.998 news.

86 hotspots detected in Riau

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported that 86 hotspots were detected in Riau Province, ...

Over 5,000 residents of Yogyakarta affected by natural disasters

Some 5,046 residents of Yogyakarta have been affected by flooding and landslides that hit Kulon Progo, Gunung Kidung, ...

Multilateral cooperation needed more than ever: APEC host

The Chilean government, as the host of APEC 2019, stressed to APEC economic members that multilateral cooperation is ...

BI forecasts March inflation to reach 0.07 percent

Bank Indonesia (BI) has forecast the country`s inflation in March 2019 to reach 0.07 percent month-to-month due to a ...

Drug producers and dealers are Indonesia`s number one enemy

This week, the Indonesian public was again at the receiving end of a shocking news of a politician arrested for ...

Indonesian police uncover Jakarta-Palembang drug ring

The Indonesian police have uncovered a Jakarta-Palembang drug ring and confiscated 50 kilograms (kg) of crystal ...

Aceh to promote halal tourism

Indonesia`s western most province of Aceh is the only region in Indonesia that officially applies sharia (Islamic ...

IHSG opens higher on optimism over us-china trade negotiations

The Jakarta composite index (IHSG) closed higher on Wednesday on investors` optimism over the US-China trade ...

IHSG weakens over weekend on trade deficit

The Jakarta composite index (IHSG) closed lower over the weekend on the country`s trade deficit of US$1.16 billion in ...

Rupiah tumbles 79 points to Rp14,034 per dollar on Monday evening

The Indonesian rupiah tumbled 79 points to close at Rp14,034 per dollar in the Jakarta inter-bank spot market on ...

BI predicts Fbruary 2019 inflation at 0.07 percent

Bank Indonesia (BI) has predicted that inflation will increase 0.07 percent month-to-month (mtm) in February, based on ...

Indonesia`s current account records deficit of 2.98 percent of GDP

Indonesia`s current account suffered a deficit of US$31.1 billion, accounting for 2.98 percent of the national gross ...

Rupiah strengthens ahead of BPS` economic growth announcement

The Indonesian rupiah strengthened against the US dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on Wednesday morning ...

Indonesia optimistic of receiving more Japanese investment

Indonesia believes that Japanese investment in Indonesia, particularly the portfolio one, still has potential to ...

IHSG opens higher on fed`s decision to keep rate unchanged

The Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) opened higher on Thursday on the Federal Reserve`s decision to maintain its ...