#foreign exchange earnings

Collection of foreign exchange earnings news, found 160 news.

Bali earns $152 mln from industrial product exports

Bali province earned US$152.1 million from industrial product exports in the nine months through September, up 11.5 ...

Bali exporting wooden shrines to Japan

Bali entrepreneurs and craftsmen are now producing wooden religious shrines for export to Japan in knocked down ...

Bali expands market to Central and South America

Balinese entrepreneurs and exporters have expanded their wings to Central and South America selling art, handicraft, ...

Exporters required to put forex earnings in domestic banks

Bank Indonesia (central bank/BI) will soon issue a regulation requiring exporters to put foreign exchange earnings in ...

North Sumatra`s vegetable oil exports rise sharply

North Sumatra`s export of animal/vegetable fats and oils rose sharply in the seven months through July 2011, ...

Bali`s furniture exports reach $13.41 mln

Bali province`s furniture exports in the first four months of 2011 reached US$13.41 million, a spokesman said. ...

C Sulawesi designated as integrated seaweed, fishery development center

Central Sulawesi province has been designated as an integrated seaweed and fishery industry development center ...

Bali`s ceramic exports increase 129.27 pct

The value of Bali`s ceramic exports in the first quarter of 2011 was recorded at US$909,732 or an increase by 129.27 ...

Indonesia`s agarwood potential to increase

From the tropical rain forests in Sumatra and Kalimantan to Papua and the pastures of Nusa Tenggara, land in ...

Redd to cut 3.5 million new jobs

The application of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) scheme in Indonesia will only ...