#foreign tourist

Collection of foreign tourist news, found 681 news.

Tackling plastic waste menace in Indonesia

Indonesia finds itself facing a grim reality, with the recent death of a sperm whale after ingesting almost six ...

Indonesia to impose cleaning levy on local, foreign tourists

The Indonesian government has planned to impose a cleaning levy on domestic and foreign tourists visiting several main ...

Legislator calls for evaluation of visa-free facility

A legislator has suggested that the government should evaluate the implementation of its visa-free policy for visitors ...

Wonderful Indonesia logo displayed on public buses in Australia

The `Wonderful Indonesia` branding logo is being displayed on double decker buses in Sydney, Australia, specifically ...

Central Java committed to hosting international events

The provincial government of Central Java is committed to hosting more international events in the Borobudur Temple ...

Indonesia eyes London to promote its tourism brand

Indonesia has been strengthening its Wonderful Indonesia tourism brand in the hearts and minds of Londoners and those ...

Indonesia eyes millennial tourists at London trade fair

The Tourism Ministry is eyeing the millennial market at London`s World Travel Market (WTM) by establishing some 100 ...

53 Indonesian tourism companies participate in London travel market

As many as 53 Indonesian tourism industries consisting of hotels, tour operators, travel agents, and Destination ...

China dominates tourist arrivals in North Sulawesi

China remained the leading source of foreign tourist arrivals in the Indonesian province of North Sulawesi in ...

News focus - Sabang`s underwater marine charm attracts divers by Otniel Tamindael

Indonesia`s westernmost city of Sabang in Aceh Province has at least 20 diving spots, with underwater charm, that have ...

News Focus - Indonesia takes efforts to lure more European tourists

Holidaymakers coming from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Russia have become the top five ...

Indonesia receives 1.35 million foreign tourist arrivals in September

The number of foreign tourist arrivals in Indonesia totaled 1.35 million or 10.56 percent smaller than in the previous ...

News Focus - Salvaging Indonesia`s tourism industry amid Lion Air tragedy

The incident of the Lion Air JT 610 aircraft, with 189 passengers, crashing into the Java Sea off Tanjung Karawang, ...

News feature - Aceh promotes Sabang as its tourism icon by Andi Abdussalam

Aceh is one of Indonesia`s 34 provinces rich in tourism potentials which could be promoted as a popular foreign ...

Indonesia participates in world travel market in United Kingdom

Indonesia is participating in the 2018 World Travel Market (WTM) London taking place in Manchester on October 30 and ...