#fossil fuel

Collection of fossil fuel news, found 231 news.

Babel's solar power plant development in ex-tin ore mining area

Bangka Belitung (Babel) Islands Province has planned to develop a solar power plant in a former tin ore mining area to ...

The First 366 Days of Jokowi-Ma'ruf

Indonesia eyes becoming key player in electric vehicle industry

With President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin marking a year of administration, Indonesia ...

Survey shows climate crisis leads concern among most Indonesian youths

Most Indonesian youths aired concerns over the climate crisis, according to a survey involving 8,374 respondents ...

Government to issue new regulation on EBT-based electricity tariff

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif plans on issuing a regulation for improving the tariff of ...

Luhut believes momentum strong now for developing electric vehicles

Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister Luhut Binsar Panjaitan believes now is the time to harness ...

Industry Ministry's polytechnic offers renewable energy studies

The Ministry of Industry's ATI Padang Polytechnic opened a renewable energy study program in a bid to offer ...

Economic recovery post-COVID-19 by transitioning to green economy

The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) is eyeing sustainable ...

B30 mixed-fuel to absorb 9.6-million KL of biodiesel in 2020

Implementation of the B30 biodiesel fuel program, a diesel fuel blended with 30-percent palm-based biofuel, is expected ...

Jokowi highlights rationale behind expediting biodiesel program

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) brought to the fore the basis for expediting the implementation of the biodiesel program ...

Indonesia begins to tap carbon trading potential

Indonesia has begun exploring the potential of carbon trading since some 75-80 percent of the global carbon credit is ...

B30 may save US$4.8 million in foreign exchange

Indonesia's 30 percent blended biodiesel (B30) mandatory policy to be launched early next year may save US$4.8 ...

Govt to streamline regulation to expedite renewable energy development

The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment will improve the regulation to ease investment and speed ...

Weekend Stories

Air pollution issues still shroud South-East Asian countries

Despite being home to an abundance of rich natural resources, poor air quality and vast environmental degradation ...

News Focus

Indonesia set to venture into novel era of electric vehicles

Indonesia is buoyant about emerging as a major producer of electric vehicles (EV) owing to quite abundant raw materials ...

DEN recommends five strategies to develop renewable energy

in a bid to reduce the country's dependence on fossil energy to meet national demand, Indonesia's National ...