#fourth quarter

Collection of fourth quarter news, found 496 news.

Indonesian economy may grow 5% in Q1: Senior minister

The Indonesian economy may grow above 5 percent in the first quarter (Q1) of 2017, or higher than the growth reported ...

BI forecasts first-quarter growth at 5 percent

Bank Indonesia (BI) has predicted that the first-quarter national economic growth will stay within the lower limit of ...

Economy in 2016 grows without acceleration: Observer

The domestic economy in 2016 grew without acceleration, an observer of the Institute for Development of Economic and ...

Indonesia`s balance of payment turns surplus in 2016

Indonesias balance of payment has turned into a surplus of US$12 billion in 2016 after suffering a deficit of US$1.1 ...

2016 growth falls short of government`s expectation: Minister

Indonesias economic growth of 5.02 percent in 2016 slightly fell short of the governments expectation, Coordinating ...

Bali`s economy grew by 6.24 percent in 2016

Balis economy registered a growth of 6.24 percent in 2016, a 0.20 percent increase as compared to 6.04 percent ...

Indonesia`s Q1 growth to fall slightly: Economist

The Indonesian economy in the first quarter of this year will grow at a slower pace than in the previous quarter when ...

Investment realization reached Rp612.8 trillion in 2016

Investment realization in Indonesia reached Rp612.8 trillion in 2016, surpassing the set target of Rp594.8 trillion. ...

15 countries to participate in West Java martial arts festival

A total of 15 countries have registered to participate in the martial arts (Pencak Silat) festival to be held here in ...

Bank Indonesia forecasts current account deficit at 1.8% of GDP

Bank Indonesia (BI) had forecast that the countrys current account deficit last year would fall to 1.8 percent of the ...

Foreign capital inflow supports strengthening of rupiah: BI

Foreign capital inflow during the January 1-9 period has helped to strengthen the Indonesian rupiah, according to Bank ...

2016 economic growth projected at 5 pct: Finance minister

Indonesias economy grew at an estimated five percent in 2016, higher than 4.8 percent growth in 2015, Finance Minister ...

Bali`s economy grows faster than national average

Balis economy grew 6.17 percent in the third quarter of this year, exceeding the national average growth of 5.02 ...

Presiden Jokowi opens Indonesian Infrastructure Week 2016

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially opened the Indonesian Infrastructure Week 2016 by highlighting Indonesias ...

Consistency in policy keeps economic growth in positive territory: Minister Sri Mulyani

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said consistency in economic policy implementation was one factor sustaining ...