
Collection of freedom news, found 1.750 news.

Minister Marsudi to attend universal periodic review in Geneva

Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno LP Marsudi will head the Indonesian delegation to attend the Cycle 3 of the United ...

Hundreds of nurses and doctors wear kebaya while treating patients

A total of 500 nurses and doctors at the WZ Johanez Kupang General Hospital wore the kebaya, a traditional Indonesian ...

Pence, Jokowi watch Balinese Pendet dance

US Vice President Michael Richard Pence and Indonesian President Joko Widodo watched the Balinese Pendet dance at the ...

Jokowi`s reception a memory to cherish for a lifetime: Pence

Vice President of the United States Michael Richard Pence revealed that the Indonesian President Joko (Jokowi) Widodos ...

Trump sends letter to Vietnam`s president to promote ties

U.S. President Donald Trump has written to Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang to promote more cooperation between the ...

Indonesia, France ink five MoUs

Indonesian and French delegations have signed five memoranda of understanding (MoU) during French President Francois ...

Polyplastics releases contents about materials to help your innovation

-- DURANEX(R) PBT Flame Retardant Grades -Polyplastics Co., Ltd. has released information about its recent development ...

Egypt`s Mubarak breathes freedom after six years in detention

Egypts ousted president Hosni Mubarak walked free on Friday for the first time in six years, his lawyer said. He ...

Ali Khameini urges all states to support Palestine

Irans Supreme Leader, Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has urged all states and governments as well as freedom seekers around the ...

Bali surpassed its target for foreign tourist arrivals in 2016

Bali Island is optimistic of achieving its target to receive 5.5 million foreign tourists this year, as it had managed ...

Bali adjudged best island for 12th successive year

The DestinAsian Readers Choice Award (RCA) 2017 was bestowed on Bali for being named the best island destination for ...

Law on culture expected to boost cultural resilience

The Ministry of Education and Culture is optimistic that the law on culture would foster cultural resilience. ...

Trump, Merkel agree NATO members must pay fair share

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Donald Trump underscored the importance of the NATO alliance and ...

Indonesia intensifies participation for creating world peace

Indonesia has decided that its foreign policy in 2017 will focus on intensifying interactions with other countries to ...

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika cannot be eliminated: ICMI

The Chairman of the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association (ICMI) Jimly Asshiddiqie stated that the national ...