#french government

Collection of french government news, found 84 news.

Report of death sentence disturbing: French ambassador

French Ambassador Corinne Breuze said the death sentence and a threat of execution of a Frenchman in Indonesia has ...

French muslim leaders call for calm over Prophet cartoons

Muslim leaders in France on Tuesday urged their community to keep calm and respect freedom of expression after the ...

Muhammadiyah Secretary deplores Charlie Hebdo`s memorial edition

Secretary of Muhammadiyahs central executive board Abdul Muthi said he deeply deplored the inclusion of Prophet ...

Indonesia condemns attack on Charlie Hebdo`s office in Paris

The Indonesian government has condemned the attack by some gunmen on Charlie Hebdos media office in Paris, France, on ...

Indonesian Ulema Council condemns attack on Charlie Hebdo`s office

Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has condemned the killing of 12 people, including several journalists and police ...

Indonesia condemns shooting incident in France

The Indonesian government has condemned the attack by an armed group on the building and employees of Charlie Habdo in ...

Indonesian embassy in France urges citizens to exercise caution

The Indonesian Embassy in France has urged Indonesian citizens in the country to remain cautious while visiting media ...

Geologic agency to install device to monitor Merapi`s CO2 level

The Geologic Disaster Investigation and Technology Development Agency (BPPTKG) will install a device at the peak of ...

Later retirement linked to lower risk of alzheimer`s, study shows

Workers who postpone retirement are less likely to develop Alzheimer`s disease and other forms of dementia known to ...

Depardieu sets up Belgian investment firm

Actor Gerard Depardieu, accused by the French government of trying to dodge taxes, has set up a company in ...

France urges Taiwan to hold debate on death penalty

France has condemned the execution of six death row inmates in Taiwan last week and urged Taiwan to open a national ...

Stop Abusing Freedom of Speech And Drop Double Standards

Although it was not for the first time that the United Nations General Assembly debated on the issue of religious ...

Some US diplomats leave Mideast, embassies on high alert

Some US diplomats were leaving the Middle East, while US embassies in the region remained on alert amid continued ...

French Government Agrees to Fund Study of the PneumRx RePneu Lung Volume Reduction Coil

- PneumRx, Inc. (www.pneumrx.com), a leader in the field of interventional pulmonology, today announced that the French ...

RI and France Develop INDESO to Manage Indonesian Sea

The Government of Indonesia and France through France Government Agency which operates in development sector ...