#fuel oil

Collection of fuel oil news, found 729 news.

IDX strengthens 2.68 points on Monday morning

The composite share price index at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is forecast to rise this week in the midst of the ...

Minister encourages development of technology-based people's economy

Research, Technology and Higher Education Minister Mohamad Nasir has encouraged development of technology-based ...

Biodiesel to bolster Indonesia to not seek CPO price hike

Industry Minister Hartarto Airlangga has forecast that the government’s intent to make 30 percent biodiesel blend ...

PLN tests several CPO-fueled generators

The State electricity company, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) has conducted tests using 100 percent crude palm oil ...

News Feature

Readiness of Indonesia entering electric vehicle era

The enchantment of Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia is an attraction for people from various regions for all ...

UI conducts ecotourism development in Bungin fishing village

University of Indonesia's (UI's) Community Service Team developed the ecotourism potential in Bungin, Bekasi, ...

News Focus

Some regions harbor high aspirations of Jokowi on development program

Ma'aruf's victory, several regions began voicing their aspirations of development being continued in their ...

Vehicles throng Cipali Turnpike triggers 20-pct fuel consumption hike

High vehicular traffic through the Cipali toll road, Friday (May 31), caused an around 20-percent rise in ...

Pertamina to augment fuel supply along Trans Sumatra toll road

The Oil and Gas Downstream Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) has ordered Pertamina to boost fuel oil supply along the Trans ...

Growth in traffic volume recorded on Jakarta-Cikampek toll road

A spike of 1.44 percent in traffic volume was recorded on the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road, seven days prior to the Eid ...

Government directs sights on investment to improve trade deficit

Coordinating Economic Affairs Minister Darmin Nasution has promoted export-based investment and import substitution as ...

Pertamina readies 112 service points along Trans Java toll road

State-run oil company PT Pertamina (Persero) has readied 112 service points along the Trans Java toll road from Merak ...

One price fuel station inaugurated at Maybrat

A distribution station, as part of 133 programs on one-price of fuel oil, was inaugurated in the Ayamaru North District ...

Biodiesel prices down, says ESDM Minister

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), through the Directorate General of New Energy, Renewable and ...

News Focus

Indonesia sees waste-to-energy plant as solution to garbage problem

With a population of some 260 million people, Indonesia is one of the world’s largest producers of garbage, which ...