
Collection of funeral news, found 283 news.

President expresses condolences over demise of officers in chopper crash

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed his condolences on the demise of 13 military officers who were killed in a ...

Former U.S. first lady Nancy Reagan dies at 94

Nancy Reagan, the former actress who was fiercely protective of husband Ronald Reagan through a Hollywood career, ...

Habibie attends funeral of Helmut Schmidt

Prof. Dr. Ing. BJ Habibie on behalf of the Indonesian government, attended the funeral of Helmut Schmidt, who served ...

Kudus regency gov't performance shows positive trend

The administration of Kudus Regency in Central Java has shown a positive trend over the past seven years as indicated ...

Body of Ambassador Muhammad to be buried in Yogyakarta

The body of Indonesian Ambassador to Pakistan Burhan Muhammad will be buried in Mondoliko Cemetery, Umbulharjo ...

Israeli troops kill palestinian at militant's funeral in West Bank

Israeli troops killed a Palestinian stone-thrower and wounded several others in the occupied West Bank on Friday after ...

President Jokowi attends funeral of Lee Kuan Yew

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Sunday is scheduled to attend a state funeral of former prime minister of Singapore ...

Thousands attend Indonesian comedian Olga Syahputra`s burial

Thousands of people, including women and children, attended the funeral of Indonesian comedian Olga Syahputra (32) in ...

Singapore`s founding father was a reliable mentor: Megawati

Former Indonesian President Megawati Soekarnoputri has condoled the death of Singapores founding father Lee Kuan Yew ...

Indonesia condemns killing of three muslims in North Carolina

The Indonesian government has strongly condemned the killings of three Muslim students in North Carolina, the US, on ...

Saudi holds funeral of King Abdullah

Foreign leaders gathered in a cavernous mosque in the Saudi Arabian capital on Friday for the funeral of King ...

Israel reopens Al-Aqsa mosque ahead of Muslim prayers

Israel reopened Jerusalems flashpoint Al-Aqsa mosque compound Friday ahead of the weekly Muslim prayers, after a rare ...

Suicide blast kills three in northeast Nigeria: residents

A suicide bomber on Sunday rammed his car into a military checkpoint in northeast Nigerias Borno state near the border ...

Funerals planned for Australian passengers on missing MH370

The first funeral service for passengers from a missing Malaysian jetliner will be held in Australia this weekend, ...

Two die after a clash in Timika: Police

A Monday morning clash that occurred in Jalan Yos Sudarso of Timika, Papua Province, led to the death of two people, ...