President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Thursday urged Indonesian furniture makers to look for foreign partners as an effort ...
For those who think paper waste is not as useful as plastic waste, The Griya Lombok would be an eye-opener and reason ...
Ministerial-position tread houses (RTJMs) in the capital city Nusantara (IKN) will be ready to be occupied by mid-2024, ...
Digital literacy is key for small and medium industries (IKMs) to get business opportunities, especially in the food ...
Indonesia, Malaysia, and the European Union (EU) have agreed to establish an Ad Hoc Joint Task Force (JTF) on the ...
The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) stated that it is targeting to complete the construction of ...
Indonesia's cultural wealth offers great potential for the development of the craft industry and products, Second ...
Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini has officially inaugurated 26 housing units worth Rp4.5 billion (approximately ...
The Ministry of Trade is committed to protecting vulnerable domestic labor-intensive industries against losses caused ...
Regional authorities need to involve themselves in the downstreaming of their region's main commodities to create ...
The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) has encouraged the development of bamboo industry as it ...
The Industry Ministry is offering coaching to small and medium industries to assist them in diversifying products made ...
The Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has accelerated the ...
Papua Province is optimistic that it will be able to handle unemployment issues through an apprenticeship program, ...
Indonesia and Slovenia have agreed to explore potential trade cooperation in several sectors, including pharmacy, ...