#g20 member

Collection of g20 member news, found 406 news.

G20 Indonesia

Green pharmacy to strengthen global health architecture: T20

Green pharmacy has the potential to bolster global health architecture to face a possible pandemic in future, Lead ...

G20 Indonesia

Indonesia's environmental diplomacy at the G20 ministers meeting

Indonesia's environmental diplomacy became apparent when Environment and Forestry (LHK) Minister Siti Nurbaya stood ...

G20 Indonesia

T20 urges G20 leaders to pursue inclusive economic recovery

Lead co-chair of Think 20 (T20) Indonesia Bambang Brodjonegoro during the plenary session of the T20 Summit ...

G20 Indonesia

Voice of developing countries in G20 should be increased: Minister

The representation of developing countries in the G20 that were mostly located in the southern hemisphere should ...

G20 Indonesia

Ministry readies to hold Digital Transformation Expo at G20 Summit

The Communication and Informatics Ministry confirmed to have readied to hold a technology exhibition titled ...

Communication Ministry seeks to hold DIN as annual event

The Communication and Informatics Ministry seeks to hold the Digital Innovation Network (DIN) event annually to serve ...

Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train trial in Nov: deputy minister

Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Kartika Wirjoatmodjo is aiming to hold the trial of the ...

G20 Indonesia

Encouraging multilateralism cooperation to address environmental issue

Dozens of ministers for the environment and climate of G20 member countries held an important meeting in Nusa Dua, ...

G20 Indonesia

Indonesia asks G20 to help developing nations hit by energy crisis

At the Energy Transition Ministerial Meeting (ETMM) on Friday, Indonesia called on G20 nations to help developing ...

G20 Indonesia

Bali Compact summarizes approach to achieve net zero emissions: Tasrif

Concept of Bali Common Principles in Accelerating Clean Energy Transitions, or Bali Compact, summarized a comprehensive ...

G20 Indonesia

DEWG not a forum for discussing Russia-Ukraine conflict: minister

The G20 Digital Economy Working Group (DEWG) will not seek to discuss global geopolitical issues, particularly between ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 DEMM yields consensus on three DEWG issues

The Digital Economy Ministers’ Meeting (DEMM) on Thursday yielded a consensus document called the G20 Digital ...

G20 Indonesia

Committed to revamping education sector through gotong royong

The Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry has committed to revamping the education sector through the ...

G20 Indonesia

Minister holds bilateral meeting to discuss 3 issues, collaboration

Minister of Communication and Informatics Johnny G. Plate held a bilateral meeting from Wednesday to Thursday with ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 environment ministers' meeting yields several agreements

The Joint Environment and Climate Ministers' Meeting (JECMM) of the G20 resulted in several agreements on ...