
Collection of gathering news, found 1.496 news.

Bring back waterboarding, says Cheney

Harsh interrogation methods such as waterboarding played a role in tracking down Osama bin Laden and should be ...

Yudhoyono hosts dinner for ASEAN leaders

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono held a dinner here on Saturday evening for heads of state/government or their ...

Indonesia has three main priorities as ASEAN chair

Achieving significant progress in the efforts to form an ASEAN Community by 2015 is one the three main priorities of ...

Security Personnel, Hospital Ready For ASEAN Summit

The organizing committee of the upcoming 18th ASEAN Summit and its preliminary meetings which will take place in ...

Jakarta police ready for any possible terror on May Day

Jakarta police are to stand by to deal with any possible terrorist activity during the commemoration of Labor Day on ...

Global climate treaty still elusive objective

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said here Thursday that despite the long time spent and enormous efforts made by ...

ASDOM third meeting held in Yogyakarta

Themed "Strengthening Defense Cooperation of ASEAN and the Global Community to Face New Challenges", the third ASEAN ...

VP opens people`s empowerment meeting

Vice President Boediono on Wednesday opened a national working meeting here to familiarize the National Program for ...

Court begins trying eleven involved in Cikeusik incident

Eleven people began to be tried at the Serang district court in Banten province, West Java, on Tuesday for their ...

Taiwan MP apologizes to Muslims for bin Laden `joke`

A Taiwan lawmaker apologised to Muslims on Monday after he and his wife labelled them "militants" and compared them to ...

Indonesia braces for 18th ASEAN Summit

Indonesia as this year`s ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) chair, is bracing for the 18th ASEAN Summit ...

Economic development discussed at Bogor Palace

The government and business players will hold a working meeting on Monday afternoon at Bogor Palace to discuss the ...

Berlin rally condemns crackdown

A political gathering in Berlin on Friday strongly condemned the Bahraini regime for its lethal crackdown against the ...

Suicide bomber kills 10 at Afghan elders meet

A suicide attack ripped through a gathering of tribal elders in eastern Afghanistan on Wednesday, killing 10 people, ...

Two prehistoric burial sites found in Papua

The Jayapura Archeology Service has found two prehistoric burial sites in Papua province`s Pegunungan Bintang ...