The Attorney General Office said the death penalty of 11 more convicts whose appeals for clemency have been rejected ...
- In 2014, a record 181.5 million hectares of biotech crops were grown globally, an increase of more than six million ...
- Diseases like Ebola, HIV and Malaria capture headlines while pollution steadily kills nearly 9 million people every ...
Indonesia is set to become the worlds largest cocoa producer in 2020 relegating the Ivory Coast currently the largest ...
- Indonesia's economic outlook is seen as the key constraint on the country's property market, trumping other factors ...
Indonesia has been re-elected to a fourth-term as a member of the UN Human Rights Council under the UN General ...
The worst outbreak of Ebola on record can be contained if countries quickly build and staff treatment centers in West ...
Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), the world leader in digital security, has earned the Frost & Sullivan 2014 ...
Hundreds of women here Sunday staged a peaceful protest against the kidnapping of the over 200 students from a ...
After a long process, the European Union (EU) and Indonesian Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) finally came ...
Indonesia aims to become one of the top ten contributors of personnel to the UN peacekeeping force, asserted President ...
- (RED), rock group U2 and Bank of America today announced a partnership that will generate more than $10 million to ...
Indonesia has condemned the recent violation of its maritime border by the Australian Navy when it reportedly turned ...
Indonesia is observing a moratorium on cooperating with Australia on people-smuggling following a spying scandal ...
Australias behavior as a neighboring country was deemed bad when illegal immigrants from Africa and Middle East, ...