#government policies

Collection of government policies news, found 305 news.

Draft revision of anti-graft law still needs deliberations: Party

The draft revision of Law No.30/2002 on Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) still needs further deliberations ...

Policy packages expected to boost growth next year

The series of economic policy packages announced by the government since September will start impacting the economy in ...

Three government policies for Malaysian tourists to Indonesia

The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Tourism, has announced three policies in the tourism field, aimed ...

Discourse on Papua dialogue restarts

After about a two-year hiatus, the discourse regarding the Jakarta-Papua dialogue to seek a peaceful solution to the ...

Economic stability determined by energy and food policy: Indef

Institute for Development of Economic and Finance (Indef) said the government could keep inflation under control if it ...

Forest Preservation Crucial for Survival of Orang Rimba

Forest and Sumatras Orang Rimba tribe are inseparable, and they could not survive without each other. For the ...

Forest preservation, Orang Rimba survival should happen simultaneously: Solberg

The preservation of Jambi forest should go hand in hand with the survival of the Orang Jambi tribal community, ...

Government maintains high exchange rate of farmers

The government continues to maintain the High Exchange Rate of Farmers (Nilai Tukar Petani/NTP) to ensure the welfare ...

Perfect World's CEO Participates in Meetings of China's Highest-level Political Advisory Bodies

- The third session of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference ...

Rupiah appreciates to Rp12,574 against US dollar on Monday

Indonesias rupiah exchange rate strengthened by 56 basis points at the interbank trade on Monday afternoon to Rp12,574 ...

Bank Indonesia forecasts 10% rise in property prices

The property prices on the island could hike by 10 percent in 2015 due to fluctuation in fuel prices in the market, ...

Pancasila serves as value system of life

Pancasila, the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia, serves as the value system of life that has been ...

Opening Ceremony of The 22nd Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2014

Today, The 22nd Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2014 is officially launched to greet Indonesian automotive ...

Yudhoyono to hear more from president-elect

President Susilo Bambang Yudhyono stated that he will hear more from president-elect Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the ...

Councilors Blame FCTC For Cigarette Plant Closures

The East Java Legislative Council has blamed foreign pressures --exerted through the Framework Convention on Tobacco ...