
Collection of hasan news, found 1.658 news.

Conjoined twins successfully separated in Bandung hospital

A team of surgeons of the Hasan Sadikin Public Hospital (RSUP) successfully separated a pair of conjoined twins in a ...

20 naval attaches from friendly countries visit Marine troops

Twenty naval attaches from friendly countries visited marine troops at the VIP room in the FX Soepramono international ...

Saudi ambassador inaugurates Islamic boarding school in Pandeglang

Saudi Ambassador to Indonesia Osama Mohammed Al-Shuibi recently inaugurated an Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) of ...

Indonesian forestry certification boosts wooden products trade in global market

Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation (IFCC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification ...

Two Afghans found dead on Makassar beach

Two Afghan nationals drowned near the Layar Putih Beach, Tanjung Merdeka, Makassar District, South Sulawesi Province. ...

President urges for resolving issue of overlapping regulations

President Joko Widodo has called for cooperation between the House of Representatives (DPR) and the Regional ...

Indonesia gathers supports for non-permanent UN-Security Council

Director General of Multilateral Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hasan Kleib, said the government ...

President Jokowi Leads Ceremony To Commemorate Pancasila Sanctity Day

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) led a ceremony to commemorate the Pancasila Sanctity Day at the Pancasila Sanctity ...

Nomination of gubernatorial hopefuls ends long speculation

The drama played by leaders of political parties over candidates to contest the forthcoming Jakarta gubernatorial ...

Agus Yudhoyono-Sylviana pair registers with Jakarta General Election Commission

Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and Sylviana Murni, candidates for the post of governor and deputy governor, respectively, ...

Cikeas coalition convinced Agus-Sylviana pair can win Jakarta election

The Cikeas Coalition, an alliance of four parties, is convinced that the Agus-Sylviana pair will win the Jakarta ...

Agus-Sylviana seen as ideal pair for Jakarta

Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and Sylviana Murni will prove to be a good pair of candidates to run for the Jakarta ...

Agus-Sylviana to contest Jakarta gubernatorial election challenging incumbent pair

Son of former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono army major Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono has been named candidate to ...

MPR speaker expresses condolences for Garut flood victims

Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Zulkifli Hasan expressed condolences for the victims of the flash ...

Some 29 Indonesian hajj pilgrims pass away in Saudi Arabia

The number of Indonesian hajj pilgrims who died in Saudi Arabia in the current haj pilgrimage season has increased to ...