#health centers

Collection of health centers news, found 893 news.

Government to use Eastern Palapa Ring to develop telemedicine program

The government will finalize its Eastern Palapa Ring project to support the development of a telemedicine program for ...

Health challenge in 72nd year of independence

The challenge of the health sector in the 72nd year of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia is to unite and ...

Government ready to serve 19 million Lebaran travelers

The government is ready to serve some 19 million people across the country who will be traveling this week to their ...

Government prepares 3,826 health facilities during homecoming flow

Central and regional governments collaborated with private institutions to prepare 3,826 health care facilities around ...

Manado city government to launch web-based health service

The Manado city government will soon launch a web-based primary health service program that will be integrated through ...

President encourages public to use KIS to avail medical services

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on the public to not hesitate to use the Health Indonesian Card (KIS) to ...

Bali seeks cooperation from Kumamoto to combat rabies

Bali Province Administration is seeking cooperation from Kumamoto Prefecture of Japan to understand the methods of ...

BUMN leaders asked to take part in tax amnesty program

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati on Wednesday invited leaders of state companies (BUMNs) to persuade them to ...

MPR speaker expresses condolences for Garut flood victims

Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Zulkifli Hasan expressed condolences for the victims of the flash ...

President Jokowi presents one thousand food parcels to Banten villagers

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) presented one thousand "sembako" or basic food parcels containing 5 kg of rice, 1 kg of ...

President Jokowi pays working visit to Banten

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) paid a working visit to Banten Province on Sunday, to check medical facilities for the ...

Blackmores, Kalbe join forces in new Indonesian venture

Australian Ambassador to Indonesia Paul Grigson has welcomed the new partnership between Australian company Blackmores ...

Remote areas need 42,000 paramedics: Health minister

Health Minister Nila Djuwita F. Moeloek said additional 42,000 health workers are need to serve in remote areas in ...

Arfak mountain residents rely on herbal medicine

The people of Arfak Mountain District in the eastern Indonesian province of West Papua have, since generations, relied ...

Dengue cases continue to increase in several Indonesian regions

Despite the government having urged people in various provinces to be wary of dengue fever, a viral disease caused by ...