#health centers

Collection of health centers news, found 893 news.

W Sumatran schools, health services rebuilt with Australia`s help

Thousands of people in West Sumatra will enjoy restored access to safe education and health-care facilities thanks to ...

Floods inundate hundreds of houses in Bandung district

Floods inundated hundreds of houses at Baleendah, Dayeuhkolot and Bojongsoang sub districts, Bandung District, West ...

RI strives to reduce maternal mortality rate

As a country with the highest maternal mortality rate in Southeast Asia, Indonesia has been struggling to save more ...

Chloroquine now resistant to malaria

Chloroquine has become was resistant to malaria, the health ministry`s director of diseases caused by animals Dr.Rita ...

Traditional herbs to be recognized in medical practice

A discourse is going on in the Indonesian medical world to recognize traditional medicinal herbs as legal medicine ...

VP asks minister to improve transportation safety procedures

Vice President Boediono called on the Transportation Ministry to improve national transportation safety to reduce the ...

Cold lava flood victims suffering from acute respiratory infections

A number of Mount Merapi cold lava victims staying in refugee camps in Magelang, Central Java, are currently ...

More promises given to the poor in 2011

The poor in Indonesia have some gladdening things to look forward to this year as promises of better treatment have ...