#heart disease

Collection of heart disease news, found 267 news.

People with hypertension susceptible to COVID-19: expert

People who suffer from uncontrolled diseases, including hypertension, are vulnerable to COVID-19, according to Badai ...

Indonesia's elderly populace projected to reach 33 million by 2026

The population of elderly people is estimated to rise to 33 million in Indonesia in the next five years, Deputy Health ...

IDAI yet to recommend face-to-face learning in schools

The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) has not yet recommended face-to-face learning at schools in the wake of ...

Nutritionist cautions of muscular weakness arising from overhydration

A medical nutritionist at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta, Dr Diana Sunardi, forewarned of ...

Fasting disciplines children, helps them lead healthy life

Fasting benefits children learning to worship during Ramadan while concurrently instilling a disciplined lifestyle ...

People with heart disease should maintain diet during fasting

A cardiologist at Semen Padang Hospital, dr. Eka Fithra Elfi Sp advises people with heart disease to regulate and ...

2.5 mln cancer cases in 2020, treatment cost Rp3.5 trillion

The treatment of 2.5 million cancer cases in Indonesia in 2020 cost up to Rp3.5 trillion, Vice Health Minister Dr. ...

COVID-19 vaccination major effort to make nation pandemic-free: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) affirmed that the COVID-19 vaccination was an endeavor for Indonesia to combat the ...

"DETAK" app by Malang researchers detects heart disease accurately

Several researchers from the Brawijaya University in Malang, East Java, have developed "DETAK," an ...

16 inmates in Pekanbaru prison test positive for COVID-19

The Riau Provincial Law and Human Rights Office has confirmed 16 inmates at the Pekanbaru correctional facility have ...

13.3% of COVID-19 deaths linked to hypertension: ministry

The Ministry of Health said 13.3 percent of COVID-19 patients who succumbed to the infection had a history of ...

Two Wisma Atlet towers to serve COVID-19 patients for self-isolation

The Task Force for COVID-19 Response is readying two other towers in the former athlete village of Wisma Atlit ...

23 test positive for COVID-19 in North Jakarta's Muara Baru

Twenty-three residents of Muara Baru in North Jakarta have tested positive for the novel coronavirus disease, head of ...

COVID-19 task force confirms death of nurse in Surabaya City

A nurse of Dr Soewandhie Public Hospital's stroke unit in Surabaya, the capital of East Java Province, passed away ...

Mortality higher among COVID-19 patients with kidney problems

People suffering from kidney and heart ailments face a greater risk of death if they contract the coronavirus disease, ...