#heavy rains

Collection of heavy rains news, found 726 news.

Floods, landslides kill three in Lebak, Banten Province

Floods and landslides triggered by incessant heavy rains over the past few days have killed three residents of Lebak ...

Jakarta-Merak toll road inundated at height of up to one meter

Flood has inundated the Jakarta-Merak toll road at a height of up to one meter following the overflowing of Ciujung ...

Floods hit nine sub-districts in Banten province

Floods hit nine sub-districts in Lebak district, Banten province, on Wednesday as a number of rivers overflowed ...

Extreme weather conditions occurring in Indonesia: Lapan

Indonesia`s National Aviation and Space Board (Lapan) said people may experience extreme weather conditions until ...

Bengawan Solo river overflows

Bengawan Solo River overflowed its banks inundating tens of houses in Solo city and Karanganyar district, Central ...

floods expand in several Indonesian provinces

Floods that have hit some parts of Indonesia since November 2012, are currently expanding in a number of provinces ...

Flood inundates hundreds of houses in Gorontalo

A flood inundated hundreds of houses in several parts of Gorontalo city on Sunday night following heavy rains in the ...

Floods hit four districts in N. Sumatra

Floods hit four districts in North Sumatra Province, killing two people and one went missing, a spokesman of the ...

Indonesia did not have major natural disasters in 2012

Indonesia, a country which is prone to natural disasters - floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, droughts, tsunamis ...

5-year cycle of big floods feared to hit Jakarta in 2013

The five-year cycle of big floods that always put most of Jakarta under water is feared to come early 2013. ...

Thousands of houses in C Kalimantan flooded

More than 8,870 houses in a number of subdistricts in Central Kalimantan have been flooded for four days due to the ...

Floods affect over 180 houses in Mukomuko

At least 180 houses were flooded in the Pondok Batu village of the Mukomuko District on Monday, following incessant ...

Rainy season sees parts of Indonesia hit by floods, landslides

The rainy season has only begun in Indonesia, which has only two seasons, rainy (November to March) and dry (June to ...

Spatial mismanagement triggers floods

Indonesia`s Environmental Affairs Minister, Balthasar Kambuaya, said that floods and landslides in several provinces ...

Floods, landslides hit Lebak

Floods and landslides have hit several sub-districts in Lebak district, Banten province, damaging a number of houses, ...