Dozens of people are believed to have been buried by a landslide in North Sulawesi, on Wednesday. They sought ...
Heavy rains battering the southern Philippines left at least six people dead and eight others missing, authorities ...
Three people have reportedly died in a landslide that struck a hill area in Sentani, Jayapura district, here on ...
The death toll from heavy rains and flooding in Brazils southeast states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo climbed to ...
Landslides hit the Kaligending Village in Karangsambung, Kebumen District, on Friday, killing four residents and ...
Indonesia earns about Rp100 trillion in foreign exchange every year from Indonesian workers in various countries ...
Heavy rains on Thursday killed 11 people as the search continues for four more who are missing, Saudi Civil Defense ...
A flood inundated several residential areas and killed two inhabitants of Tangerang City, Banten Province, on ...
Jakarta is bracing for floods as rains have begun inundating a number of areas in the city of some 10 million ...
Two people who went missing in a flash flood that hit Wasior, Teluk Wondama District, West Papua Province, on ...
Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said employers and workers should develop harmonious relations so they could ...
The Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) Chairman, Sofyan Wanandi, said a labor wage increase would not solve ...
The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) will hold a joint exercise to prepare for possible flooding in Jakarta ...
Floods affected 4,249 houses in the sub-districts of Stabat, Batang Serangan, Secanggang, Wampu, and Padang Tualang ...
The water level in Barito River in North Barito and Murung Raya District of Central Kalimantan has increased, making ...