#heavy rains

Collection of heavy rains news, found 726 news.

Tens of houses inundated in Subang, W. Java

Floods inundated several houses in the Subang District, West Java Province, following incessant heavy rains that ...

Floods inundate 18 thousand houses in Bandung district

Around 18 thousand houses were inundated in Bojongsoang, Baleendah and Dayeuhkolot sub-districts, Bandung District, ...

flooding sends thousands of Ifndonesians back to refugee camps

New waves of flooding has forced thousands of Indonesians to leave homes to suffer in refugee camps again. The ...

Mt Kelud`s volcanic materials pose danger of floods

Around 50 million cubic meters of Mount Keluds volcanic materials have posed danger of flooding in areas around the ...

Helicopter makes emergency landing in Central Java

A helicopter had to make an emergency landing due to bad weather conditions at the Dukuh Jetis Square, Kadipaten ...

Floods submerge parts of Jakarta

Floods triggered by incessant heavy rains since Tuesday evening, submerged 21 urban villages ("kelurahan") in Jakarta ...

Semarang inundated again

Parts of Semarang, Central Java Province, is again flooded, with waters at a depth of 30 cm to 80 cm, following ...

Floods claim two lives in Tangerang

Two inhabitants of Tangerang, Banten Province, died after being caught in flood waters that inundated the city in ...

Flash floods, landslides hit Malang

Flash floods triggered by incessant rains have hit Malang, causing landslides and cutting off road access between ...

Strong winds damage 46 houses in C. Java

About 46 houses in the Cilacap area were damaged due to strong winds on Friday (January 31) afternoon, the chief of ...

12 bodies found from the jombang landslide - (d)

A search team has discovered 12 dead bodies from the landslides in Ngrimbi village Jombang, East Java. ...

Flash floods sweep away seven houses in Kudus, C. Java

Flash floods have swept away seven houses and seriously damaged four others as the Gelis River overflowed in Kota ...

SAR rescues Merapi landslide victims

The Search and Rescue (SAR) team from Boyolali Regency, Central Java successfully rescued two climbers from Yogyakarta ...

Two student mountaineers from Surabaya found dead

Two mountain climbers from the Students Nature Lover (Mahapala) School of Economics Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya was ...

Floods sweep away eight houses in Nunukan

Floods have swept away eight houses from three villages in Lumbis Sub-district, Nunukan District, North Kalimantan ...