#high blood pressure

Collection of high blood pressure news, found 65 news.

Study: Daily diet soda may increase risk of heart attack, stroke

Diet soda may benefit the waistline, but people who drink it everyday may have a heightened risk of heart attack and ...

In developing world, poor still means thin

"First world" health problems such as obesity and heart disease may be gaining ground in developing nations, but they ...

Breastfeeding tied to lower blood pressure risk-study

Mothers who breastfeed for the recommended period of time, at least six months exclusively, may have a somewhat lower ...

Chocolate lovers have fewer strokes

Tempted by a chocolate bar? Maybe indulging every so often is not a bad thing -- especially if it`s dark chocolate. ...

Indonesian student achieves international award congress in Japan

An Indonesian student Arifa Abdullah Rakhmana received an award in the 63rd Annual Congress of The Japan Society of ...