
Collection of hit news, found 4.977 news.

Pursuing total electrification with alternative energy

Indonesia's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is taking several measures to achieve the target of providing ...

Government launches policy package to mitigate El Nino impacts

The government launched an economic policy package based on the State Budget (APBN) to mitigate adverse impacts of the ...

BNPB prepares aid to handle landslides, famine in Highland Papua

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) is preparing assistance to expedite the handling of landslides and ...

BPBA issues flood, landslide warning in Aceh

The Aceh Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBA) has warned that the rainy season may trigger severe flooding and landslides ...

Bakamla thwarts smuggling of lobster seeds worth Rp19 billion

The Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) thwarted an attempt to smuggle lobster seeds worth approximately Rp19 ...

BI aims to bolster cybersecurity to protect national financial system

Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Juda Agung has said that BI will strengthen cybersecurity to protect ...

Armed criminal in Central Papua killed in gunfight with army: Officer

An armed criminal was killed in a gunfight with Indonesian army personnel in Eromaga Village, Omukia Subdistrict, ...

Tens of Central Papua villagers seek refuge to a mily post: Officer

Fifty-three residents of Eronggobak Village in Omukia Subdistrict, Puncak District, Central Papua Province, have sought ...

Police to crack down on separatists who led Yahukimo, Puncak attacks

Papua police have vowed to crack down on the armed criminals who killed 8 persons in Yahukimo district, Papua ...

Body of fallen worker, 22 survivors evacuated to Timika: police

Twenty-three workers working on a medical center project, who were attacked by a Papuan separatist group on Thursday, ...

Laskar Merah Putih condemns killing of 7 Yahukimo gold miners

The Laskar Merah Putih (Red-and-White Paramilitary) has condemned the killing of 7 traditional gold miners by a Papuan ...

Papuan rebels assault workers in Puncak: police

Using rifles and arrows, Papuan separatists attacked several workers at a medical center project in the Kepala Air area ...

Sata-Sahasra Buddha Pagoda stands tall as Indonesia's largest pagoda

Many are yet unaware that Riau Islands Province is home to Indonesia's tallest pagoda named Sata-Sahasra Buddha ...

Government to establish food estate in Merauke as KEK

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, stated that the government planned on making the ...

Promote tourism in Aceh, N Sumatra ahead of PON: Widodo

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry to promote tourism in Aceh and North ...