#hiv aids

Collection of hiv aids news, found 225 news.

P&G launches new film highlighting its internal journey for LGBT+ inclusion

- The Procter & Gamble Company (NYSE:PG) in partnership with Great Big Story, today released Out of the Shadows, a ...

Handling of HIV/AIDS must be done comprehensively: social minister

Social Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said that the handling of HIV/AIDS must be done comprehensively and must ...

Indonesia`s HIV/AIDS patients unlikely to get required medicines

Indonesia`s HIV patients and people living with AIDS are feared to not be able to get the Antiretroviral Fixed Dose ...

Kimia Farma urged to reduce prices of HIV/AIDS medicines

State-owned pharmaceutical companies -- PT Kimia Farma and Indofarma Global -- were encouraged to join a limited ...

Health office encourages people to not create stigma around HIV/AIDS

The Health Office has encouraged citizens to not create a stigma around HIV/AIDS and to not discriminate against ...

News focus - Cultivating Red Fruits as one of superior products by Otniel Tamindael

The planting of Red Fruit seeds in Mimika District, Papua Province, is part of the cultivation of the medicinal plant ...

Some 305 people in Minahasa affected by HIV/AIDS

Health Office of Minahasa District in North Sulawesi Province has reported that around 305 people had been infected by ...

Twenty-seven mayors sign HIV/AIDS declaration in West Java

Twenty-seven mayors in West Java Province, Indonesia, signed an HIV/AIDS Declaration to demonstrate their leadership ...

Indonesian students take home awards from intel iISEF

Four Indonesian high school students took home medals from the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ...

WHO appreciates Papua KPA for taking part in socializing prepex

The World Health Organization (WHO) expressed appreciation to the Papuas HIV/AIDS Eradication Commission (KPA) for ...

Expanding red fruit crops in Papua

The Papua provincial government has made every effort to expand the crops of red fruit tree, found very effective for ...

Prince Harry, Rihanna take HIV tests on World Aids Day

Britains Prince Harry and international popstar Rihanna took HIV tests on Thursday as part of a World Aids Day ...

Five toddlers live with HIV in Yogyakarta

Five toddlers in Yogyakarta are living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus transmitted from their mothers during ...

Health minister promotes voluntary HIV test on World AIDS Day

Indonesias Health Minister Nila F Moeloek has promoted the voluntary HIV test for public during the commemoration of ...

Yogyakarta health office provides VCT to detect HIV/AIDS

Yogyakarta Health Office continues to provide Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) services at hospitals and ...