#holiday travelers

Collection of holiday travelers news, found 91 news.

The bus station packed with holiday travelers

The Rajabasa bus station in Bandarlampung, Lampung province, was packed by the 2013 Eid al-Fitr home-bound travelers ...

Idul Fitri - Travelers urged to not use motorcycles

Jakarta Police Deputy Chief Brig. Gen. Sudjarno asked Idul Fitri holiday travelers to not use motorcycles when they ...

All wharves ready to accommodate holiday travelers

All wharves, operated by the state-owned inland waterway transportation service PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry, are ready to ...

President Yudhoyono wants pleasant Idul Fitri journey

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called for preparation of necessary infrastructure to make the annual journey ...

Perfect system or order is an illusion: president

There is no perfect system or order and therefore continuous correction is needed to reach the national goal of ...

Pertamina to increase gasoline imports to meet post-fasting holiday

PT Pertamina will increase gasoline imports by 400,000 barrels to anticipate consumption hike for the post-fasting ...

Cilacap readies alternative roads for holiday travelers

The Cilacap district transportation office is designating several alternative roads for 2013 Lebaran holiday ...

Casualties during 2012`s Idul Fitri exodus rise

Latest data from the Indonesian police has revealed that the number of deaths resulting from accidents that took place ...

Over 2,600 holiday travelers arrive at Kalideres terminal

A total of 2,631 returning Lebaran holiday travelers arrived at Kalideres bus terminal in West Jakarta between 7 pm on ...

Holiday travelers frisked for security at Gilimanuk port

Lebaran holiday travelers arriving at the Gilimanuk ferry port in Bali on Thursday were thoroughly frisked, local ...

Lebaran traffic-related accidents claim 39 lives in South Sumatra

South Sumatra`s traffic police said on Thursday that around 64 cases of Lebaran-related traffic accidents have been ...

Special tourist buses being operated for returning holiday travelers

Special tourist buses are being operated to ferry returning Lebaran holiday travelers from Bojonegoro in East Java, to ...

Police, TNI chiefs review security arrangements at Bakauheni port

The National Police (Polri) Chief General Timur Pradopo and National Defense Forces (TNI) Commander Admiral Agus ...

Some 14 holiday travelers killed in traffic accidents in N Sumatra

At least 14 persons, homebound for the Lebaran festival, have been killed in 64 traffic accidents that have taken ...

Lebaran exodus begins

Thousands of people have started their annual journey home to celebrate the Lebaran holidays. The Lebaran exodus ...