
Collection of households news, found 870 news.

Indrawati forecasts COVID-19 pandemic to dampen economic growth

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has projected a slowdown in Indonesia's economic growth to 2.3 percent, and ...

Floods, landslides impact Bandung, West Bandung districts in West Java

Incessant heavy rains on Sunday triggered the Citarum River to overflow its bank and caused floods and landslides in ...

Bappenas spurs Bali over pilot project for waste-fueled power plant

National Development Planning Minister/ National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Head Suharso Monoarfa is ...

Whirlwind, torrential rains batter South Sulawesi

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) reported that whirlwind and heavy rains lashed South Sulawesi Province ...

ANTARA's Choice

2020 resolution: Vote for Earth, shop at bulk store

“It’s just a plastic straw,” says eight billion of people. The single-use plastic straw ...

Weekend Stories

Strong commitment paramount to combating workplace sexual harassment

Workplace sexual harassment is among the most challenging and insidious issues since victims are oftentimes in a ...

Over one thousand people affected by West Aceh flooding

As many as 1,067 people from 332 families have been affected by the flooding in the East Woyla Sub-district of West ...

Electrification for 1,123 villages in Papua, West Papua

State-owned electricity firm PLN hope to supply electricity to 1,123 villages in Papua and West Papua Provinces by the ...

Pekanbaru runs out of air purifier

Most of the electronic stores in Pekanbaru, Riau Province, have been running out of air purifier in the last two ...

Ministry aims providing 10 million water pipe connections in 2020-2024

The Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry has outlined a target to set up 10 million water pipe connections ...

Energy Minister resolves to electrify Indonesia 100 percent by 2020

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan has outlined an ambitious target to achieve a milestone in the ...

Pertamina guarantees secure supply of LPG for Jayapura

State-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina has guaranteed a secure supply of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for ...

KCD raises flag at Ciliwung riverbank to commemorate Independence Day

Environment activists, grouped in the Depok Ciliwung Community (KCD), held a flag-hoisting ceremony at the Ciliwung ...

growth momentum maintained despite global economic moderation

Indonesia’s economic growth momentum was maintained in the second quarter of 2019 amid a moderation in the global ...

News Focus

Nearly 50 million Indonesians threatened by extreme drought

An El Niño-induced severe dry spell has cast a pall over 100 districts and cities in Indonesia’s provinces ...